

unilateral:[英 [ˌju:nɪˈlætrəl] 美 [ˌjunəˈlætərəl] ]


unilateral 基本解释

形容词片面的; 单边的,一方的; 单方有义务的; 仅由一方实行或承担的

unilateral 网络解释

1. 单方面的:一般是单方面的(unilateral)声明(statement). 保留条款必须在签约(signing)或批准(ratification)的时候提出. 在加入条约(join)后任何一方不得提出保留条款. 修订(amendment)有三种方式. 首先,可以通过正式修订(formal amendment)方式,

2. 单向的:此外,沙子和振动之间的因果关系是单向的(unilateral),当振动回复到原来形式时,沙子也回到其原先的模式. 没有哪位物理学家会把克拉德尼图形称作记忆的例子. 当一个目前的事件在不涉及到过去事件的情况下发生时,

unilateral 双语例句

1. The establishment and withdrawal of contractual relations and for the issue and acceptance of unilateral declarations of intent e. g.


2. Objective:To explore the clinical efficacy of single cage plus unilateral pedicle screw placement for the treatment of lumbar degenerative instability.


3. In terms of the custom of unilateral lopsidedness in matrimony and family, this article probes into the origin of confines of child|bearing culture, and finds out that unilateral lopsidedness in family name inherit, social succession, kindred and dwelling patterns are the important causes in formation of confines of child|bearing culture.


4. Unilateral lopsidedness; confines of childbearing culture; modern childbearing culture



5. During foreground selection program, it demonstrated that the selection efficiency of each marker would decrease with generation and the unilateral markers can't increase the efficiency with number, moreover, flanked markers can attain higher efficiency than unilateral markers.


6. unilateral

6. Economic input - the corresponding total project cost of investment and unilateral control over standards.


7. unilateral在线翻译

7. For control group, unilateral vertebral artery thin in 5 cases and all basilar artery were normal.


8. They've already thought of unilateral solutions that they can control but they expect us to consider their whole supply chain from our resource to their doorstep.


9. unilateral

9. Innovation market; unilateral effect; merger control


10. With the promotion of the process of liberalization of international trade, the WTO allows the use of unilateral measures to control imports have few, and the anti-dumping measures has become increasingly searching for weapons use of trade protection.


11. With the liberalization of international trade, the WTO allows the use of unilateral measures to control imports have few, and anti-dumping measures has become more and more countries seek to use trade strongly protection weapons.


12. unilateral什么意思

12. Results: There were scalp numbness and paraesthesia in 18 cases, incision scar in 9 cases, alopecia in 6 cases, temporal fossa introcession in 4 cases, subcutaneous hematoma in 2 cases, injury of unilateral temple branch of the facial nerve in 2 cases and naso-orbital pachynsis in 1 case.


13. I am all for unilateral action, but only if it creates conditions to win over the unwilling.


14. The candidates had to state their position on unilateral disarmament.


15. The unilateral understanding of the position and function of music


16. unilateral是什么意思

16. The dissertation includes four parts: Part one clarifies the former unilateral understanding of womens social position in ancient China.


17. However, the stress distribution character was greatly different between unilateral and bilateral leg standing position.


18. The role which caused the abnormal of thacher`s role with unilateral development fixed position of this kind of stubbornly biased.


19. The stresses in unilateral leg standing position were larger than those of bilateral leg standing posture especially at the anterior and the posterior margins.


20. unilateral

20. The unilateral understanding of the position and function of music appreciation and the long-term unitary teaching are the recent teaching condition. The examination of them shows the realistic meaning of taking pluralist music appreciation into effect.


unilateral 词典解释

1. 一方的;单边的;单方面的

A unilateral decision or action is taken by only one of the groups, organizations, or countries that are involved in a particular situation, without the agreement of the others.

e.g. ...unilateral nuclear disarmament.



The British Government was careful not to act unilaterally.

英国政府小心行事,避免单边采取行动。unilateral 单语例句

1. Several US presidential candidates have hinted they would support unilateral action in the area.

2. The unilateral naming of maritime areas by the Philippines this time also undermines the government's diplomatic efforts.

3. The moves come as the Palestinians are increasingly seeking unilateral moves toward statehood that would bypass peace talks.

4. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

5. " Any unilateral action by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands is illegal and invalid, " spokesman Hong Lei said at a routine press briefing.

6. Serbia categorically refuses to recognize Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence in 2008, though most leading European countries and the United States have exchanged diplomats with Kosovo.

7. Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Moscow categorically disagrees with a unilateral proclamation of the independence of Kosovo.

8. Sun said working under the new agreement would be better than being subjected to protectionist, unilateral safeguards and would increase certainty for the Chinese industry.

9. What happens in this aviation case is significant because there are many other unilateral measures linked to climate change being lined up by developed countries.

10. But the Bush administration has voiced opposition to any unilateral action, while calling for further talks between the two major economies.

unilateral 英英释义


1. involving only one part or side

e.g. unilateral paralysis

a unilateral decision

Synonym: one-sided

2. tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only