




1.南安普顿大学 University of York 约克大学 University of Southampton 南安普顿大学 Lancaster University 兰卡斯特大学 ...

2.南安普敦大学 所在城市: Bristol 南安普敦大学 University of Southampton 所在城市: Southampton ...

3.英国南安普敦大学 利物浦大学 University of Liverpool 南安普顿学院 University of Southampton 剑桥大学 University of Cambridge ...

6.南岸普顿大学南岸普顿大学University of Southampton)是首选:  位于英国南部,综合排名28,专业排名1。

7.有南安普顿大学  英国大学中海商法专业较强的有南安普顿大学University of Southampton),卡迪夫大学(University of Cardiff),斯旺西大 …


1.That was the question which a team of researchers led by Jim Stevenson of the University of Southampton, in Britain, set out to answer.针对这个问题,英国南安普顿学院的吉姆•斯蒂文森所带领的研究小组开始着手寻找答案。

2.Sam Parnia, of the University of Southampton, stressed that being able to trace something back to the brain does not mean it is not real.南安普敦大学的萨姆·帕尼亚强调指出,将其追溯为大脑活动并不代表人们的感觉就不真实。

3.He chose University of Southampton for the reason that his brother was major in fishing and he would pke to have a try.选择南安普顿大学也是因为哥哥曾经在这所学校的渔业专业学习过,他表示自己也很想尝试。

4.The University of Southampton is now working with Lithuanian company Altechna, to commerciapze the technology.目前南安普敦大学正与立陶宛的Altechna公司合作将此技术商业化。

5.This week, news has emerged from the University of Southampton, where Dr Christopher James has developed telepathy in his lab.本周,南安普敦大学传来消息,该校的克里斯托弗·詹姆斯(ChristopherJames)博士在他的实验室开发出了心灵遥感。

6.emeritus professor at the Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton, UK.名誉在光电研究中心,南安普敦大学教授英国。

7.The University of Southampton, for instance, will only offer degrees in engineering.比方说,南汉普顿大学,将会只提供建筑学的文凭。

8.Now, scientists from the University of Southampton have announced the development of a new type of nanostructured glass technology.而最近,南安普敦大学的科学家们又公布了他们的发明,一种新型的纳米玻璃技术。

9.Ph. D. And MSc. Degrees awarded at Institute of Cryogenics, University of Southampton, U. K.英国南安普敦大学低温研究所留学,获英国理学硕士、博士学位。

10.A study led by the University of Southampton found breast cancer rates were more than three times higher among women whose南安普顿大学的研究发现,妈妈的屁股比较大的女性,患上乳腺癌的机率要高出三倍。