

dispatch:[英 [dɪˈspætʃ] 美 [dɪˈspætʃ] ]


过去式:dispatched;   过去分词:dispatched;   现在分词:dispatching;   复数形式:dispatches;

dispatch 基本解释

及物动词派遣,调度; (迅速地)发出; 迅速处理,迅速了结; 处决(罪犯等)

名词(使者等的)派遣; 急件; 迅速办理,快速处理; (记者发回的)新闻报道


dispatch 相关例句


1. dispatch在线翻译

1. He dispatched the report to his newspaper.


2. He dispatched an experienced worker to repair the damage.


3. He dispatched his breakfast and left.



1. He couldn't quite believe the dispatch sent by his reporter.


2. He conclude the negotiation with dispatch.


dispatch 网络解释

1. 分派:事件处理器事先在关注的事件源上注册,后者不定期地发表事件对象,经过事件管理器的转化(translate)、合并(coalesce)、排队(enqueue)、分派(dispatch)等集中处理后,事件处理器接收到事件并对其进行相应处理.

dispatch 双语例句

1. Dispatch, taking in charge or shipped on board, and the date of shipment.


2. dispatch的意思

2. Randomicity and intermittence of wind speed make power system dispatch become difficulty. The paper presents a two-layer strategy for wind power system dispatch and regulation. The strategy can revise pre-dispatch scheme for traditional generators in online dispatch time scale and trace the fluctuation of real-time power output by regulating the AGC generators related to wind generators in AGC time scale.

针对风速的随机性和间歇性对电力系统调度与控制带来的困难,提出一种风电系统有功调度的二层结构调控策略,即在在线调度周期内,借助系统内常规发电机组的配合对预调度周期内的发电计划进行再校正以及在自动控制时间级内通过与风电机组紧密关联的自动发电控制(automation generation control,AGC)机组的实时偏差调控对在线调度计划外的功率波动进行调整的策略。

3. dispatch

3. Know according to reporter place, break net incident this to already brought about countrywide net inspect to dispatch.


4. dispatch什么意思

4. Finally, I had to leave in order to dispatch phone number and contact you again.


5. Acting on this principle, the Party should dispatch a sufficient number of its best members and cadres to the front.


6. dispatch的意思

6. Dispatch the appropriate number of mobile agents to deploy, configure, perform on-line monitoring, analysis, and adaptation when the application cannot meet its requirements.


7. dispatch的翻译

7. This office will dispatch number cloth to participants.


8. Moscow dispatch ed a number of warships to find the vessel because it had a 15-man Russian crew on board.


9. But as this news dispatch, the number of live interviews on the same day in Beijing without a media center to Henderson received telephone.


10. In order to meet the large-scale economic development in the near future, from 1951 until 1965, China dispatch ed a great number of youth scholars and cadres to study and practice in the Soviet Union.



11. Ling:(looks at Kong and the sun crows and has suspicion all at once) Not right…why do they just dispatch Huang Wu-Kong to deal with us…?


12. dispatch

12. A Peking dispatch states that with the exception of the Peking University, which is still having precarious existence, all other schools proposed to be established, prior to the coup d`état, have been laid on the table, and the organizers have adjourned sine die.


13. dispatch的反义词

13. Frequently hiring refers that the dispatch organization sends the labors hired to provide work. The work contract between the labors and the dispatch organization belongs to non-periodical work contract.


14. In this design, register stack mechanism and register rotation mechanism in design is studied and instruction dispatch and instruction rotation function are achieved. At the same time, the strategy of register rename and designing integer units are put forward and some special integer instructions are disposed and optimized specially.


15. Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934, also work in g as a free-lance photographer


16. Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934, also working as a free -lance photographer


17. Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934, also working as a fr -lance photographer.


18. Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934, also working as a free-lance photogr ap her


19. There is some good news, however, as Ping-Cho learns that her intended husband has died after drinking an aphrodisiac, allowing her to continue her romance with the dispatch rider Ling-Tau.

确有另一个好消息,Ping-Cho要嫁的丈夫在酒后乱性后死了,如此一来,Ping-Cho可以与自己所爱传信者Ling-Tau(Paul Carson饰)在一起了。


20. In between, he has worked as a tour leader, motorcycle dispatch rider, supply teacher, art tutor, translator (Portuguese-English), public relations consultant, dishwasher and newspaper reporter.


dispatch 词典解释in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 despatch

1. 派遣;调遣

If you dispatch someone to a place, you send them there for a particular reason.


e.g. He dispatched scouts ahead...


e.g. The Italian government was preparing to dispatch 4,000 soldiers to search the island.

意大利政府正准备派遣 4,000 名士兵搜索该岛。

2. 发送,发出(信息、信件或包裹)

If you dispatch a message, letter, or parcel, you send it to a particular person or destination.


e.g. The victory inspired him to dispatch a gleeful telegram to Roosevelt...


e.g. Free gifts are dispatched separately so please allow 28 days for delivery.


3. (身在另一城市或国家的记者发送的)电讯,新闻报道

A dispatch is a special report that is sent to a newspaper or broadcasting organization by a journalist who is in a different town or country.

e.g. ...this despatch from our West Africa correspondent.


4. (军官或政府官员发送给总部的)急件,快信

A dispatch is a message or report that is sent, for example, by army officers or government officials to their headquarters.

e.g. I was carrying dispatches from the ambassador.


5. 处决;杀死

To dispatch a person or an animal means to kill them.

e.g. The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.


6. 迅速处理;迅速办妥

To dispatch a job or task means to finish it quickly and efficiently without wasting time.

e.g. Amy sat outside in the sun while Gerald despatched his business.


7. 迅速;急速

If you do something with dispatch, you do it very quickly.

e.g. He feels we should act with despatch.


dispatch 单语例句dispatch的翻译

1. It says the dispatch of trains, maintenance of the railway line and other duties should be placed under a unified command.

2. The company repeatedly violated a law governing the dispatch of temporary workers.

3. The draft mainly addresses the term of labor contract and economic compensation after labor contract termination and the dispatch of laborers.

4. A year previously he had sent a From Our Own Correspondent dispatch, saying that " the kidnap craze has thrown up moments of black humor ".

5. Japan's cabinet approved a basic plan on Tuesday to dispatch its SDF to Iraq, marking a shift of its strategic mentality from defensive to offensive.

6. He said the Cabinet had approved the dispatch of Interior Ministry troops.

7. The two countries also said they will not dispatch any military personnel to Iraq and will only help with training security forces outside Iraq.

8. The authorities should dispatch geologists to research more on potential risks in that area and continue to provide aid to the earthquake victims.

9. When the destroyed lighting facilities on the ground are restored, the local aviation authorities will dispatch professionals to make safety check on the runway.

10. The company hired six veterinarians and promised to dispatch them to treat sick pets in 10 minutes after receiving a call for help.

dispatch的解释dispatch 英英释义



1. the act of sending off something

Synonym: despatchshipment

2. killing a person or animal

Synonym: despatch

3. the property of being prompt and efficient

e.g. it was done with dispatch

Synonym: despatchexpeditionexpeditiousness

4. an official report (usually sent in haste)

Synonym: despatchcommunique


1. kill without delay

e.g. the traitor was dispatched by the conspirators

2. send away towards a designated goal

Synonym: despatchsend off

3. dispose of rapidly and without delay and efficiently

e.g. He dispatched the task he was assigned

4. kill intentionally and with premeditation

e.g. The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered

Synonym: murderslayhitbump offoffpolish offremove

5. complete or carry out

e.g. discharge one's duties

Synonym: dischargecomplete