

slake:[英 [sleɪk] 美 [slek] ]


过去式:slaked;   过去分词:slaked;   现在分词:slaking;

slake 基本解释

及物动词消除; 解(渴); 满足

slake 相关例句


1. We returned to the barn and slaked our thirst with tea.


slake 网络解释

1. 平息:slain 杀死 | slake 平息 | slalom 障碍滑雪

2. 消除:slake 烂泥 | slake 消除 | slaked lime 熟石灰


3. 烂泥:slagging 成渣 | slake 烂泥 | slake 消除

4. slake什么意思

4. 解渴,消渴:fake 假货,膺品 a.假的 | slake 解渴,消渴 | brake 刹车

slake 双语例句


1. The noxious gas contained in the tail gas out of garbage incinerator and coal burning boiler is collected by bag filter with japanese techniques, This technology can achieve desulfuration and harmness gas through ejecting slaked lime dry power and reaction auxiliary agent to fult gas, sulfur dioxide and harmful gas. harmful gas and slake lime carry chemical reaction adequately, forming solidastate calcium sulfate and and other attachments, which will either adhere to stive or coacervate into nice granule and finally been absorbed.


2. Every day millions of personal computer gamers plug into online worlds that slake all kinds of fantasies.


3. slake的翻译

3. How are you to slake me, and how are you to feed me?


4. slake的意思

4. My first act on coming to this water was, of course, to slake my thirst.


5. slake是什么意思

5. What about this danger of war, which is making us all slake in our shoes at present?


6. I shall not seek a well to slake the burning thirst of my heart


7. They post slake internet video to the young man prepared to kill themselves for their faith.


8. If pour over whole water of Pacific, That could not slake the flame of love which for you.


9. Astronauts who are expected to go there in the next decade may find plenty of water to slake their thirst.


10. Of course, according to current suituation, if the price is put down, perhaps some economic indices including GDP, may suffer throes, but if we don't turn round earlier, it will amount to drinking poison wine to slake thirst, then years later, what awaits us ahead would be a consequence more difficult to live with.


11. The soft shale does not slake easily and a constant up-and-down motion of the paddle is necessary to partially dissolve the clay and produce a watery slip.


12. For the complex composition and special structure, generally soft rock of red beds may slake which often lead to geological disaster.


13. I never like mixing business with pleasure, but I may haveto slake the lust of each one in turn to get the film completed.


14. I never like mixing business with pleasure, but I may have to slake the lust of each one in turn to get the film completed.


15. slake

15. Only my disinclination to leave Weena, and a persuasion that if I began to slake my thirst for murder my Time Machine might suffer, restrained me from going straight down the gallery and killing the brutes I heard.


16. slake的翻译

16. The slake-velocity of the lime was lowered with increasing crystal grain size of calcium oxide in the lime.


17. Help produce saliva and slake thirst.


18. Naturally, this did not slake Schleicher's thirst of power.


19. Nothing can slake his anger.


20. Nothing will slake the public's appetite for celebrity gossip.


slake 词典解释

1. 解(渴)

If you slake your thirst, you drink something that stops you being thirsty.


e.g. I slaked my thirst with three cans of Coke.

我喝了 3 罐可乐解渴。

slake 单语例句

1. Analysts expect stronger energy cooperation with Russia will help slake China's thirst for energy and mitigate possible disruptions in the Iranian supply of the resource.

2. It takes a lot of rain to slake earth parched and cracked for so many growing seasons.

slake是什么意思slake 英英释义


1. cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water

e.g. slack lime

Synonym: slack

2. make less active or intense

Synonym: abateslack

3. satisfy (thirst)

e.g. The cold water quenched his thirst

Synonym: quenchallayassuage