

substance:[英 [ˈsʌbstəns] 美 [ˈsʌbstəns] ]



substance 基本解释

名词物质,材料; 实质,内容; [神]灵; (织品的)质地


substance 相关例句


1. Ice and snow are different forms of the same substance, water.


2. substance

2. The substance is good, but the style repellent.


3. substance在线翻译

3. Later he became a man of substance.


4. substance是什么意思

4. Salt is a substance we use in cooking.


substance 双语例句

1. substance的解释

1. If your sin is disobeying God with your


2. substance的意思

2. Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance`s solid is higher than the density of its liquid.


3. Addition reaction is an organic reaction, it occurs in a double bond or triple bond of the substance.


4. The results show that the intermediate has the ability of scavenging ·OH and O2-·, especially on ·OH. The intermediate is a kind of substance with the ability of scavenging free-radical, it can be wildly used in tobacco. products.


5. During that time, his marriage fell apart as he spiraled into substance abuse and depression.


6. It was neither the crossed immune respons, resulted from being infected with Rinderpest virus or Febris catarrhalis infectiosa canun virus which were closely relative to morbillous viruw, nor was interfered with by the non-specificity agglutinin and the there was the possibility that the production or the substance was resulted from being infected with morbillous virus.


7. Test solution. Place the prescribed quantity (not more than 2 g) of the substance to be examined in a silica crucible with 4 ml of a 250 g/l solution of magnesium sulphate R in dilute sulphuric acid R. Mix using a fine glass rod. Heat cautiously. If the mixture is liquid, evaporate gently to dryness on a water-bath.


8. Density The mass Of liquid per unit Of volume Of substance at 15℃.

密度 在15℃的温度条件下,单位体积的某种物质所具有的液体质量。

9. So that the density of a substance's solid is higher than the density of its liquid.


10. Exhibits: mineral water, purified water, ecological water, soda water, alkaline water, mineral substance water, deep ocean water, peppermint water, featured recuperation water appetizer water, sober-up water, anti-fat water, three-high water, beautification water, water for diabetes patients


11. Tomatoes are high in content of a substance called lycopene which is found in many red fruits and vegetables.


12. substance

12. Tomatoes are high in content of a substance called lycopene which is found in many red fruits and egetables.


13. substance的反义词

13. Poly alkyl ether C_(18)E_(20) was in combination with each of three n-fatty alcohols(1-octanol, n-dodecanol and n-octadecanol) respectively as a model of non-ionic surfactant and polar organic substance composites, which was spreaded onto air-water interface and formed a mixed monolayer on a Langmuir trough.


14. This paper make a detailed analysis and illustration about the patterns and properties of pectic substance as well as pectinase.


15. substance在线翻译

15. He also notes that the obsession with legally defined rules in a lawyer-dominated society would make it difficult to prefer substance over form.


16. There is abundant nutrition in beer yeast mud, which maybe used in producing feed yeast extraction, nutrition yeast and physiology active substance of yeast, etc.

摘 要:啤酒酵母泥中含有丰富的营养成分,可用来生产饲料酵母、酵母抽提物、食用营养酵母和酵母生物活性物质等。

17. If children of a substance or drug allergy should avoid contact.


18. For the Substance sold in domestic market, xxwill insure that the Flomoxef made from these Substances will not be offered and/or sold either directly or indirectly to Japan and Korea.



19. Xx will refrain to offer and sell the Substance either directly or indirectly to Japan and Korea except the eventual supplies of the Substance and/or other intermediates to the originator of Flomoxef.


20. substance的意思

20. L Any substance is made up of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.


substance 词典解释

1. 物质;物品;东西

A substance is a solid, powder, liquid, or gas with particular properties.

e.g. There's absolutely no regulation of cigarettes to make sure that they don't include poisonous substances...


e.g. The substance that's causing the problem comes from the barley.


2. 重要性;重大意义

Substance is the quality of being important or significant.

e.g. It's questionable whether anything of substance has been achieved...


e.g. Syria will attend only if the negotiations deal with issues of substance.


3. 主旨;要点;实质;基本内容

The substance of what someone says or writes is the main thing that they are trying to say.

e.g. The substance of his discussions doesn't really matter.


4. 事实基础;根据

If you say that something has no substance, you mean that it is not true.

e.g. There is no substance in any of these allegations.


5. 财力雄厚的;有权有势的;有影响力的

A person of substance has a lot of money, power, or influence.


e.g. ...mature men of substance.


substance 单语例句

1. While business groups welcomed the report, opposition politicians slammed it for a lack of substance.

2. The malpractice is a potential health hazard for customers because industrial lubricant contains carcinogen, a substance linked with causing cancer.

3. Nitrite is a toxic substance that is highly carcinogenic, food experts said.

4. China banned imports of any food containing the carcinogenic substance on February 23.

5. Among these 106 batches, two were found to contain the carcinogenic substance.

6. The global financial crisis would not have occurred if requests for finance were assessed against actual material projects by applying substance flow analysis.

7. The population ends up placing this cassava in water that cannot totally eliminate the toxic substance.

8. Water dripping off the cave rocks carries minerals into the nests and those minerals then mix with other materials to make the substance.

9. He also had a clear plastic bag with a light green chalky substance and a syringe containing a green liquid.

10. Authorities plan to charge them with possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia.

substancesubstance 英英释义



1. the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists

e.g. DNA is the substance of our genes

2. a particular kind or species of matter with uniform properties

e.g. shigella is one of the most toxic substances known to man

3. the idea that is intended

e.g. What is the meaning of this proverb?

Synonym: meaning

4. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument

the heart and soul of the Republican Party

the nub of the story

Synonym: kernelcorecentercentreessencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty

5. what a communication that is about something is about

Synonym: messagecontentsubject matter

6. considerable capital (wealth or income)

e.g. he is a man of means

Synonym: means

7. material of a particular kind or constitution

e.g. the immune response recognizes invading substances