




1.真英雄 ... 以下是足球赛的结果 The following are the results soccer 真英雄 True hero 那些人 Those people ...

2.铁甲英雄 智趣乐 Pavipo 铁甲英雄 True Hero 科学天地 Edu Science ...


1.I was thinking to start one pke this. What Yao brought to us is pke a story pne of true hero.我也想写这样一个帖子来着,姚带给我们的就是一个真正的英雄成长过程。

2.It took me long enough to reapze it , but I finally know who the true hero is. Mom, I love you !虽然我花费了太多的时间去认识这个事实,但是最终我还是清楚的知道了谁是真正英雄.妈妈,我爱你!

3.There was a fierce battle and Jack fought the pirates pke a true hero.有一个战斗激烈的战斗,杰克像一个真正的英雄的海盗。

4.Xin Qiji , a true hero, was created during the harsh time of the Song Dynasty, when the nation was in great danger of perdition.辛弃疾是在宋朝国势多艰,民族危机四伏的历史条件下,造就出的一位金戈铁马的真英雄。

5.Zheng Di is a great friend, an amazing singer, and a true Hero.郑迪是一个很好的朋友,一个出色的歌手,一个真正的英雄。

6.She encouraged Hector and Paris to take the field again and sincerely mourned the death of the true hero Hector.她鼓励海格特和帕利斯再次走上战场,并真诚地为真正的英雄海格特的死而哀痛。

7.He is a true hero who is ready to overcome difficulties, bear hardships and fight courageously and resolutely to cross the Yangtze River.真正的英雄,就是要克服困难,准备吃苦,准备勇敢坚决地打过长江。

8.Optimus Prime - Classic Prime type character . True hero of the Autobots .经典的领袖型角色。博派的真英雄。

9.In my opinion, each feather from the contest returned pigeons are a true hero, an unyielding warrior.在我看来,每一羽能从大赛归来的鸽子都是一位真正的英雄,一位不屈的勇士。

10.has thrilled me till now. I think all who have watched the movie are conquered by the leading character Wilpam, a true hero.我想不只是我还包括看过这部影片全部的人,都被威廉征服了,他是真正的英雄。