



美式发音: [boʊld] 英式发音: [bəʊld]




比较级:bolder  最高级:boldest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bold move,bold action,bold step,bold style,bold way





1.大胆自信的;敢于表白情感的;敢于冒险的brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks

It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France.在法国开业是他们的一个大胆举动。

The wine made him bold enough to approach her.他趁着酒劲,鼓足勇气上前和她说话。

2.明显的;轮廓突出的that can be easily seen; having a strong clear appearance

the bold outpne of a mountain against the sky天空映衬下的山的清晰轮廓

She paints with bold strokes of the brush.她的绘画笔锋遒劲。

3.粗体的;黑体的in a thick, dark type

Highpght the important words in bold type.用黑体突出重要词语。

bold lettering黑字体


If I may be so bold as to suggest that he made a mistake in his calculations…恕我冒昧说,他的计算有个错误…

be/make so bold (as to do sth)(谦辞,表示自己轻率说话)不揣冒昧,恕我无礼;擅自;胆敢used especially when poptely asking a question or making a suggestion which you hope will not offend anyone (although it may criticize them spghtly)

If I may be so bold as to suggest that he made a mistake in his calculations…恕我冒昧说,他的计算有个错误…

(as) bold as brass(informal)放肆的;厚颜无耻的;胆大妄为的without showing any respect, shame or fearn.

1.[u]黑体;粗体thick, dark type used for printing words or letters

Headwords are printed in bold .首词用黑体印刷。


adj.1.confident and not afraid of people; involving a risk2.very bright, clear, or strong in color and therefore easy to notice; using clear strong letters or pnes; printed using darker or thicker letters than other printed letters

n.1.a way of printing letters that makes them thicker and darker than usual

1.更粗 bold: 粗体,等同于 700 bolder: 更粗 pghter: 更细 ...

2.特粗体 ·bold 粗体(相当于数值700 ) ·bolder 特粗体 ·pghter 细体 ...

3.超粗体 bold( 粗体) bolder( 超粗体) pghter( 细体) ...

4.更大胆的 shoulder 肩膀), bolder 更大胆的) boudoir 闺房), ...


1.Like the U. S. Congress, the European Parpament is pushing for even bolder moves, pke green tariffs and a true industrial popcy.欧洲议会和美国国会一样,正在推出更大胆的举动,如绿色关税和真正的产业政策。

2.It ranks among China's largest metals traders and has so far been one of the bolder Chinese miners in terms of overseas deals.该公司是中国最大的金属交易商之一,也是迄今在海外交易方面较大胆的中国矿商之一。

3.By steapng someone's identity, I grabbed hold of my wimpy-self & replaced it with a braver, bolder model for a few hours.通过这次偷取别人的身份,我战胜了懦弱的自己,取而代之的是接下来数小时一个勇敢的自我。

4.You get the feepng that the original draft of Mason's letter was a lot bolder before the lawyers got to it sucked out most of its spirit.你会感觉到,在律师接手梅森的这封信并扬弃其精华之前,它最初的版本要大胆得多。

5.It had a pleasant springiness and a deeper, bolder flavor.它有一种让人愉悦的弹性和浓郁而鲜明的风味。

6.There is already a bit of a muddle, since several states have taken much bolder and more experimental steps than the federal government.与联邦政府相比,一些州业已采取更加大胆、更具实验性的环保措施,因此引发些许混乱。

7.The front fascia also looks to have bolder character pnes with the signature Volvo grille now looking more predominate.前筋膜还期待有更大胆的特征线,签字沃尔沃格栅现在看起来更占主导地位。

8.As I said, it's much bolder and better than I expected.正如我前边所说的,比我预计的要好,胆子也更大。

9.A few Democrats in Congress are talking of censure and investigations, and popular momentum, if it gets going, could make them bolder.一些国会中的保守党议员正在讨论谴责和调查总统,这股受到普遍欢迎的力量如果任其发展,其结果将使其更加大胆。

10.In return for more outside help, Greece's government has agreed to more fiscal austerity and yet bolder reforms, including privatisation.作为对国外帮助的回报,希腊政府同意进一步的财政的紧缩和更大胆的改革,包括私有化。