

tombstone:[英 [ˈtu:mstəʊn] 美 [ˈtu:mstoʊn] ]



tombstone 基本解释

名词墓碑; 墓石; (华尔街的)新上市股票[证券]发行公告

tombstone 网络解释


1. 墓石:XWg.对于墓石(tombstone)缺陷,检查屏幕印制精度以及拾取和放置(pick-and-place)机器的布局(placement)精度;XWg.检查回流方向;研究终端(termination)受污染的可能性.

2. 墓碑镇:很快,他又得到了在(Tombstone)中扮演几个主要配角的机会. 1994年,参与主演卡梅隆导演的(True Lies1995年,在(Apollo 13)中扮演三名宇航员中的弗里德-海斯. 1996年出演影片(Twister),

3. 絕命終結者:这次,他又一次在电影中演绎了他迷人的男中音--在所有有音乐会的镜头中演唱. 之后基默出演了两部有美国传奇色彩的电影(True Romance)和(Tombstone),均取得不俗反响.

tombstone 双语例句

1. tombstone的解释

1. On the band's last world tour he was sporting an extravagant moustache, a waistcoat and a bootlace tie like a gunslinger from Tombstone.


2. Chongwu UNDGO stone factory are the company's core business, build the last two decades, carved stone carving and polishing all kinds of exquisite stone tombstone exported to Europe and the United States, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao regions; its exquisite technology, excellent quality of the customers at home and abroad to win the trust and praise.


3. Marble and granite slab, tile, paving stone, landscaping, fireplace, countertop, tombstone


4. tombstone是什么意思

4. This town was built on muddy stilts By the lunatic parade It rains like Revelations Gonna wash these freaks away Some girls wanna hold your hand And some girls like to pray Well my girl takes her drinks With dust and rusty razor blades As I Live between these covers I wanna tell her that I have it When she chokes me in the Backseat of her riverboat'cause She's My Man And we got all the balls we need When you taste that pavement You're amazed She smells your sympathy So bye bye ladies May the best queen hold the crown For the most bush sold on the levee My my, how word gets around She strangles for a good time And she kills my self-control She's my man, don't be too sad sonny'Cause she'll never be your woman no more Someday soon, this dank lagoon's Gonna sink right into hell They'll hide you from Big Ida At the Sho'Enough Hotel The Ladies od the evening's just A tombstone in your bed Well my girl eats a wounded preacher'tween two loaves of bread I know she's up to something, But how can I run when she's just Keel-hauled twenty-one to nothing I'll stay next to the steel coal oven'cause All you need's just a fist of a tear-stained bunny When the good ship comes to town Who said love's a bitch'll sit next to me honey Because this old boat's gonna run aground I don't want to be the burden Or your jealous bastard I don't wanna be the Tarzan of your next epic disaster She's my man, can't you feel her comin'She's my man, she's gonna keep you runnin'She's my man, she's gonna teach you something She's my, She's my man

这个镇是建立在泥泞的高跷游行的疯子喜欢下雨的启示要去洗远离这些怪胎有些女孩想握住你的手有些女孩要祈祷以及我的女儿需要她的饮料灰尘和锈刀片我还活着这些涵盖我想告诉她,我这当她扼流圈我在后座她河船'事业她是我的男人我们看到所有的球,我们需要当您品尝的路面你会惊叹你的同情,她的气味因此,拜拜各位 5月举行的最佳女王王冠布什的大部分出售的堤防我的我,如何得到字左右她扼杀一个好时机她杀死我的自我控制她是我的人,不要太伤心了桑尼事业她永远是你的女人没有更多总有一天很快,这潮湿泻湖的要去沉右入地狱他们会隐藏您从大伊达在翔'够大酒店女子外径晚上的公正 CRT技术在你的床以及我的姑娘吃一个受伤的布道者'吐温两个面包我知道她的行动的东西,但我怎样才能运行时,她只是龙骨抓21落空我将在明年的钢煤微波炉事业所有你需要的只是一个拳头的泪染兔当良好的船舶来镇谁爱说是一个bitch'll坐在我旁边蜂蜜因为这个老船要去搁浅我不想成为负担或您的嫉妒私生子我不想成为泰山您下次史诗灾害她是我的男人,你不能认为她comin '她是我的人,她要去让你runnin '她是我的人,她要去教你的东西她是我的,她是我的男人

5. The tombstone is about the only thing that can stand upright and lie on its face at the same time.


6. The tombstone is about the only thing that can stand upright and lie it face at the same time.


7. The tombstone is about the only thing that can st and upright and lie on its face at the same time.


8. Nevertheless, when somebody asked him what you want to write on your tombstone after you died.


9. To World-weariness: Life is like a tombstone that does not remain intact for long.


10. I timidly explained, pointed to the tombstone. That`s my mother.


11. James Garrison, Arizona's State Historic Preservation Officer, says this is not the first time officials have demanded that Tombstone correct violations.


12. You know what they're going to put on your tombstone?


13. I always thought I'd like my own tombstone to be blank.


14. To have on my tombstone, a bouquet of flowers...


15. From the angle of literary style, the author traces to the source and defines contribution inscription and tombstone by the basic method of the method of literary text in this article.



16. She now skipped irreverently from one grave to another; until, coming to the broad, flat, armorial tombstone of a departed worthy- perhaps of Isaac Johnson himself- she began to dance upon it.


17. Skipped irreverently from one grave to another; until, coming to the broad, flat, armorial tombstone of a departed worthy- perhaps of Isaac Johnson himself- she began to dance upon it.


18. We went into the tomb booth, which has many of the tombstones, we found the tombstone of their loved ones before I knelt at the tomb, told the family his name?


19. As to the nine family names of Zhaowu, these names come from a group of Sogdians who were the biggest group of foreign immigrants during the Sui and Tang dynasties. However, in the documents excavated from Turfan we often have to tell the ethnicity from the special sound of the names, and if there is no detailed tombstone inscription, it is in fact more guessing than ascertaining something.


20. Our company specializes in the production of various types of marble, granite carving products, including a variety of Eastern and Western characters, antique handicrafts, animal carvings, as well as fountains, fireplaces, pillars, flowerpots, railing, stone furniture, tombstone, carving reliefs, such as architectural decoration.


tombstone 词典解释

1. 墓碑;墓石

A tombstone is a large stone with words carved into it, which is placed on a grave.

tombstone 单语例句tombstone

1. The company's major business includes cemetery sales, tombstone design and the operation of funeral homes.

2. The tombstone is still visible today and is considered by tourists as a symbol of love.

3. Sending a stranger to meditate at a tombstone is fundamentally different from sending a nurse to take care of an ailing parent.

4. The dark green granite tombstone sits on top of a stylized version of the traditional Chinese burial mound.

5. Edgerton Hart's tombstone is believed to have been destroyed during World War II, like many foreigners'graves in the same cemetery.

6. It looks like a tombstone, so an incantation must be conducted to drive away evil spirits.

7. After the pool and stone arch bridge is the tombstone of the Mausoleum to 72 Martyrs.

8. After pursuing occupations that ranged from tombstone maker to railroad riveter, he decided to become an actor.

9. A black signboard in white characters that reads " Wu's Tombstone Carving Shop " sits on a pile of stones outside.

10. It was in March that Li's family approached Wu for a tombstone.

tombstone 英英释义


1. a stone that is used to mark a grave

Synonym: gravestoneheadstone