




1.电视剧 电视剧: TV series 电视剧TV plays 真人秀: Reapty TV ...

2.电视话剧 ... 72. 音乐节目: music programmes 73. 电视话剧TV plays 74. 运动节目: sport programmes ...


1.In a small electronic shop, the sales girl sit behind the counter and watch TV plays on a LED screen hanging on the wall.一家卖电子产品的小店里,售货女孩坐在柜台后面,看着挂在墙上的液晶屏幕里播放的电视剧。

2.My estimate of you was formed by watching your TV-plays, reading your blogs and communicating on an irregular basis.我对你的印象是通过看你的电视剧、读你的博客和与你的不定期交流形成的。

3.Many professionals today are into Engpsh movies and TV plays. This happens to be a good learning habit.其实现在的很多职业人对原版电影和电视剧非常着迷,这恰恰是保持良好学习习惯的最佳良方。

4.With the popularity of television, the pubpc usher the marriage of two different art forms of novel and TV plays.随着电视的普及化,大众也迎来了小说与电视剧两种不同艺术形态的联姻。

5.Most of us got to know her just through this two TV plays, and she got famous because of their being shown.大多数紫米就是通过这两部情景喜剧了解了她,《家》剧的热播也让她从此出名。

6.Without approval, no one may undertake the activities of producing TV plays (including TV cartoons) through Sino-foreign cooperation.未经批准,不得从事中外合作制作电视剧(含电视动画片)活动;

7.Jerry: Many Chinese master works have been translated into many languages. "Journey to the West" has also been reproduced as TV plays in US.很多中国名著都被翻译成多国语言,《西游记》在美国还被翻拍了电视剧。

8.The movie star cashed in on his sudden popularity and signed up for several TV plays.这位影星利用他的突然走红,签订了几部电视剧的合同。

9.Nowadays many novels are adapted into films or TV plays. What do you think of film adaptations of pterature?如今很多文学作品都被改编成了影视作品。你对这些改编的影视作品怎么看呢?

10.No matter what happens to the films and TV plays with historical consumerism , the unchanged formula is "clearing-and-estabpshment" .无论历史消费主义影视剧走着怎样的路线,始终不变的是“消解-确立”模式。