



美式发音: [ˈpæsˌwɜrd] 英式发音: [ˈpɑːsˌwɜː(r)d]



复数:passwords  同义词

n.code word,open sesame,secret word,PIN,key



n.1.a secret word or phrase that you need in order to get into a room, building, or area; the numbers or letters that you have to put into a computer in order to be able to use the system

1.密码 用户名 Username: 密码 Passwords: 验证码 Security Code: ...

2.口令 Groups 组 Passwords 口令 Login Controls 注册控制 ...

3.密码设置 ... 10、使命召唤5 僵尸 call of duty v1.1.0 4、密码设置 Passwords v1.0.1 7、谷歌地球 Google Earth v3.0.…

4.设定密码 ... Remote Administration Enabled 远程管理 passwords 设定密码 Hard disk Timeout Enabled 交流电压待机模 …

5.已储存密码 ... Plugin data: 外挂资料 Passwords已储存密码 WebSQL: 网站资料库 ...

6.设密码保护资料 3. 以图表来看体温纪录( Temperature Chart) 设密码保护资料Passwords) 取消密码( Old) ...

7.用户密码哈希 ... --users 用户 --passwords 用户密码哈希 --dbs 数据库 ...


1.Researchers at Microsoft have come up with a way to create easy-to-remember passwords without making a system more vulnerable to hackers.微软研究人员已经发明一种创建简单易记密码的方法,同时也会使系统更容易被黑客攻击。

2.The bank's service desk had six full-time employees dedicated to deapng with 160, 000 requests for new passwords a year.银行的服务台有6名全职员工,专门负责处理每年达16万次的索取新密码的请求。

3.He then changed all the passwords so I now have no clue who we owe or how much.然后他改变了密码,所以我现在没有线索知道我们欠款的对象,也不知道欠了多少。

4.If you use more than one computer, keeping bookmarks and passwords synched between the machines can be a bit of a hassle.如果你不止使用一台电脑,在不同电脑之间保持书签和密码同步可能有点麻烦。

5.It is typically used to steal passwords and other data, or to open a "back door" to a computer so that it can be taken over by outsiders.它通常被用来窃取密码和其他数据,或打开计算机“后门”以便入侵者控制。

6.An alternative response to that risk is to use strong passwords, gibberish characters adding up to at least 10 characters.对这种风险的另一种替代反应是使用难以破解的强密码——至少长达10个字符的一串乱码。

7.Any discussion of system security would be incomplete without at least a cursory word or two on the topic of passwords.如果没有(哪怕是粗略地)提到一两句关于密码的话题,那么任何关于系统安全性的讨论都将是不完整的。

8.Use any form of authentication that requires passwords to be encrypted. Do not encrypt data.使用要求加密密码的任何格式的身份验证。不要加密数据。

9.Estabpsh and enforce a popcy that forbids users from keeping their passwords written down in an easy-to- find location .建立并实施以下策略:禁止用户将其密码记在容易找到的位置。

10.If you are tired of trying to come-up with secure passwords, Password Architect is for you!如果您已厌倦试图来跟进与安全的密码,密码建筑师是为您服务!