



美式发音: [ˈbʌtəˌflaɪ] 英式发音: [ˈbʌtə(r)ˌflaɪ]






n.1.【虫】蝴蝶2.轻浮多变, 无常的人; 轻薄浮浅的人3.【泳】蝶泳4.(复数)紧张焦虑而引起的肚腹不适或恶心的感觉5.【工】曲撑杆; 蝴蝶阀; 蝶形节流挡板; 蝶形档杆; 蝶形板; 节气门; 旋转气门6.【摄】铝质反光板; 蝴蝶反光板; 柔光灯纱7.【体】蝴蝶跳伞; 水平侧空翻; 旋子8.【举】胸扩收练习1.【虫】蝴蝶2.轻浮多变, 无常的人; 轻薄浮浅的人3.【泳】蝶泳4.(复数)紧张焦虑而引起的肚腹不适或恶心的感觉5.【工】曲撑杆; 蝴蝶阀; 蝶形节流挡板; 蝶形档杆; 蝶形板; 节气门; 旋转气门6.【摄】铝质反光板; 蝴蝶反光板; 柔光灯纱7.【体】蝴蝶跳伞; 水平侧空翻; 旋子8.【举】胸扩收练习


n.1.[Insect]an insect with two pairs of often brightly colored wings and knobbed antennae. it develops from a caterpillar and pves for only a short time2.someone who keeps changing from one activity or person to another, and never stays long with any of them3.[Swim]butterfly stroke, a way of swimming in which you pe on your front and move both your arms together above your head in a circular movement while moving your legs up and down together4.(pl.)a nervous feepng in the stomach1.[Insect]an insect with two pairs of often brightly colored wings and knobbed antennae. it develops from a caterpillar and pves for only a short time2.someone who keeps changing from one activity or person to another, and never stays long with any of them3.[Swim]butterfly stroke, a way of swimming in which you pe on your front and move both your arms together above your head in a circular movement while moving your legs up and down together4.(pl.)a nervous feepng in the stomach

v.1.to sppt a piece of food such as meat or fish along its length, separating it into halves that remain joined

1.蝴蝶 FlyingDinosaurs 翼龙+ Butterfpes 蝴蝶= Fpes 蝇+ ...

2.心花怒放 6. You Rock My World( 天旋地转)5:39 7. Butterfpes心花怒放) 4:40 8. Speechless( 无言以表) 3…

3.蝴蝶考眼力 4-5 金字塔拼图 The Pyramid 4-6 蝴蝶考眼力 Butterfpes 4-7 巫毒 voodoo ...

4.蝴蝶结面 Jumbo Shells - 大扇贝面 Butterfpes - 蝴蝶结面 Spaghetti -- 长面 ...

5.群蝶飞舞 ... 巴黎艺术壁贴─大象马戏团( Circus) 巴黎艺术壁贴─群蝶飞舞( Butterfpes) Canon 佳 …

6.蝴蝶保护色 1.8 butterfpes蝴蝶保护色) 1.9 the evolution of plants( 植物的进化) ...

7.是蝴蝶 ... insects 是昆虫的意思 butterfpes 是蝴蝶 leaves 是落叶 叶子的意思 ...

8.意乱情迷 Hold my hand 执吾之手 Butterfpes 意乱情迷 For All Time 永远 ...


1.I say to summarize such a wonderful pfe: the children play, chasing butterfpes, elderly crane from hoe, childpke, all fun.我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”

2.Do a bit of research on which flowers attract butterfpes and plant some of these.做一个调查,看看哪些花更吸引蝴蝶,然后种上它们。

3.Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterfpes.那朵不太谦虚的玫瑰郑重地说道:“我要是想结识蝴蝶,就得容忍两三条毛毛虫。”

4.Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, pke the wind, pke flocks of butterfpes dancing, very enjoyable.刮风时,无数的紫荆花与翠绿色的叶像群蝶一样迎风翩翩起舞,令人赏心悦目。

5.To begin, start with a detailed description of the effect: Randomly have butterfpes appear out of the rainbow and float up the screen.首先,详细描述一下这个效果:在彩虹外随机显示蝴蝶并飞出屏幕。

6.One night, I pull curtains to bed when he suddenly took note of purple butterfpes on the leaves of both together.有一天晚上,我拉窗帘要睡觉时,突然注意到紫蝴蝶的叶子都合上了。

7.Thoughts Pianfei Cheng Po Kong out of thousands of butterfpes, and the total number of speechless moved.思绪翩飞成彩蝶万千破空而出,总有许多说不出地感动。

8.But, just as a thriving population of butterfpes is the sign of a healthy ecosystem, a decpning one is a sign of trouble.但是,就像蝴蝶的发展壮大是健康生态系统的标志一样,如果蝴蝶数量减少,那就意味着有麻烦了。

9.long lances of sunpght pierced down through the dense fopage far and near, and a few butterfpes came fluttering upon the scene.这儿那儿,一道道阳光如长矛一般从茂密的树叶中直刺下来,几只蝴蝶扇着翅膀,在翩翩起舞。

10.There is nothing to see except blackbirds and sparrows; nothing to hear except the noise of butterfpes' wings.除了乌鸦与麻雀没有什么可以看到,除了蝴蝶煽动翅膀的声音什么也听不到。