




1.行号 Bay number 排数 Row number 列数 Tier number 层高数 ...

3.数据行的信息,还存放能直接定位到 MyISAM 数据文件中相应数据行的信息(如Row Number),但并不会存放主键的键值信息。

4.行数 重量 Weight 行数 Row number 作业速度 Work speed ...

5.制袋排数 ... 制袋最大长度 Max length 制袋排数 Row number 烫切频率 Pressing&cutting frequency ...

6.行数量 Number Of Rows= 行数 Row Number= 行数量 Column Address Bits= 列地址位 ...



1.If you do not, the report displays the row number at the beginning of every group.如果不这样做,报告就会在每个组的开头处显示行数。

2.That of Xichang was increasing the row number per ear and grain number per row.而西昌等高海拔地区高产栽培的主攻方向则是穗行数和行粒数。

3.and the row number of multi-row aluminum ships is 3 to 6, and a separating object is not arranged among the rows.所述的多列的铝船列数为3至6列,列与列之间不设置间隔物。

4.Appending a sequential row number onto each each row is one of those problems.附加一个时序排数字放在每个每一行是其中的一个问题。

5.It also shows how to return a row number of the RESULTS section record regardless how the record set is sorted.它也演示了如何返回RESULTS部分中记录的行号,而不管记录集是否经过排序。

6.The key is consists of two parts: the partition id and the row number within the partition.关键是由两个部分组成:分区id和排数在隔断。

7.The fields of this structure are named with the row number first, then the column number.此结构的字段以行号在前、列号在后的形式来命名。

8.This cell object, in turn, exposes methods to return the row number, column number, and value of the corresponding cell.这个cell对象反过来又公开一些方法来返回行号、列号和对应单元格的值。

9.The second pass counts the number of rows in each partition, by extracting the maximum row number with each partition key.第二个通过计数的行数了每一个分割,提取最大行数而每个分区的钥匙。

10.The simpler thing is to output the parition id and the row number within the partition for use in subsequent processing.简单的事情是parition输出的id和排在分区数用于后续加工。