

formidable:[英 [ˈfɔ:mɪdəbl] 美 [ˈfɔ:rmɪdəbl] ]


formidable 基本解释

形容词可怕的; 令人敬畏的; 难以对付的


formidable 相关例句


1. A formidable prospect lies ahead of him.


2. formidable

2. They faced formidable difficulties in their attempt to reach the mountain summit.


3. formidable的解释

3. The head of the research section was a formidable old professor.


4. He took on the formidable task of reforming the whole system.


5. He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.


formidable 网络解释

1. formidable是什么意思

1. 令人畏惧的:Neruda:他们有一个古老的、令人畏惧的(formidable)敌人,〝15〞称之为Animus. Sarah:所以,WingMakers是要保护他们的人类基因(human genetics)免於受到Animus的侵略,而他们把这些选址--或防御性科技,置放在地球上以便以某种方式来阻止他们接管这个行星?

2. 厲害:游戏开了,个人竞速中级的,跑沉睡森林,我用的是板车,他用的是鬼怪,我还以为他跟不上,不过果然出我意料,他会双喷,不会W喷,我跑1.47,他跑1.53,比赛后他连说了几次厉害(Formidable)

3. 强大的;令人敬畏的,可怕的:7.Well,you were a little more formidable than we anticipated.你们比我们想像中要强大些 | formidable=强大的;令人敬畏的,可怕的 | 8.We dont need compliments out of you,jackass. 我们不需要你的恭维,**

formidable 双语例句

1. formidable的解释

1. Although slightly old fashioned, with their lances and maces they are still formidable fighters on the battlefield.


2. More formidable is that developers not only depressed prices, the company is also planning to pay for a certain amount of risk mortgage payment, advance or bear part of the advertising costs, As for the clearing agent company is planning to delay the delay, even if property sales performance is very good, the general planning companies rarely get retained.


3. formidable什么意思

3. The Royal Navy is still in the world the most formidable navy.


4. The Royal Navy has been in the world the most formidable fleet.


5. But Xiang Yu, although the soldier many will be broad, the influence is formidable, because actually bad chooses a person for a job, defeated finally in the Liu Bang hand.


6. They were much taller and huskier and they looked formidable.

他们太高太强看起来是不可战胜的(field 怎么解释?

7. They were much taller and huskier, and they looked formidable.


8. We have a common goal, that is the life is more formidable in one, in more prosperous China.



9. Certain strange habits: arriving at the hour when other people are taking their leave, keeping in the background when other people are displaying themselves, preserving on all occasions what may be designated as the wall-colored mantle, seeking the solitary walk, preferring the deserted street, avoiding any share in conversation, avoiding crowds and festivals, seeming at one's ease and living poorly, having one's key in one's pocket, and one's candle at the porter's lodge, however rich one may be, entering by the side door, ascending the private staircase, --all these insignificant singularities, fugitive folds on the surface, often proceed from a formidable foundation.


10. When angry or frightened, it is a formidable enem y.



11. To at that time content already for very formidable 9CHE network, need to extending fluctuation time only.


12. The RAM is a formidable flipper and I think that the polyurethane serves as a very useful shock absorber.


13. He has a formidable knowledge of English literature.



14. My friends, we face formidable challenges, I am not afraid of them.


15. formidable在线翻译

15. Along with the development of technology, China become more and more formidable.


16. It is really a formidable task to me.


17. Although it does not have the FoxMail that formidable function, but it easy to grasp and the use.


18. The force of habit in millions and tens of millions is a most formidable force.


19. formidable

19. Once a superstitious belief is widely spread, it will become a formidable force of habit.



20. From will trace the origin which AMD and Intel wickedly fights to beallowed to see, AMD at present occupies the crucial time, if thestrategy is appropriate, at one fell swoop will break through Intelmany year formidable pressures, will have the opportunity in themarket which will treat as an equal with Intel.


formidable 词典解释

1. 可怕的;令人惊叹的;艰巨的

If you describe something or someone as formidable, you mean that you feel slightly frightened by them because they are very great or impressive.

e.g. We have a formidable task ahead of us...


e.g. Marsalis has a formidable reputation in both jazz and classical music...



Sofia was attractive and formidably intelligent.

索菲娅很有魅力,而且才智过人。formidable 单语例句

1. Bai looked so formidable that Coba Carrion hardly knew what to say, even though he had practiced it many times.

2. High inflation can catch people off guard, as the formidable inflation in 2008 shows.

3. Adapting foreign technology and equipment to actual production in China is a formidable challenge, he said.

4. It is formidable now but would reward cellaring for another half decade.

5. But she is a formidable composer, a true modernist with an acute ear and keen imagination.

6. Geography alone in this vast and poorly connected country constitutes a formidable obstacle to conducting an election according to internationally recognized standards.

7. The world's biggest software company has made its point known that IBM is a formidable adversary during internal meetings.

8. Abbas has called the deal the best he could get from the politically formidable militants, and a necessary step to end deadly internal Palestinian violence.

9. Mr Kerry is indeed a pretty competent debater, fast on his feet and a formidable marshaller of an argument.

10. The family planning policy is facing a formidable obstacle spawned by progress - the rising affluence of an urban class.