

reply:[英 [rɪˈplaɪ] 美 [rɪˈplaɪ] ]


过去式:replied;   过去分词:replied;   现在分词:replying;   复数形式:replies;

reply 基本解释

名词回答,答复; 反应; 报复(行动); [法律]答辩

不及物动词[法律](原告对被告)答辩; 反响; 作答; (以行动)做出反应


reply 同义词



reply 反义词



reply 相关例句



1. I don't know what to reply.


2. reply的反义词

2. She replied that she was happy to accept our invitation.




1. They replied to the enemy's fire with a barrage.



2. A lot of people replied to our advertisement.


3. They did not reply to our new proposal.


reply 网络解释

1. reply的近义词

1. 回答:协议包括四个方面:请求(request)、 回答(reply)、出错(error)及事件(event). X协议共有120个请求,可扩充至256 个. 整个协议描述客户与服务器进程通讯的语法结构与语义. (2)X库函数(Xlib)(4)字体标准格式(BDF,

2. 答复:指向下一个(next)邮件o 改变elm选择(options)r 答复(reply)当前邮件s 把当前邮件或带标记的邮件存入(save)一个文件夹T 对当前邮件加标记(tag)并指向下一个邮件(delete)、打印(print)、答复(reply) 和转发(forward),

3. 回帖:楼主是说当一个用户被删除时,他所发的所有主题和帖子也将同时被删除,但是系统在删除主题(topic)时,并没有将该主题下的回帖(reply)一并删除,同时这些回帖既无法浏览也无法通过dvbbs删除,给数据库遗留下很多废帖.

reply 双语例句


1. So, if you don't get an expected reply to any messages, please try again.


2. Shin somehow don`t know how to reply and just looks the ground.


3. reply的反义词

3. Can you please confirm if this is correct? Your early reply will be much appreciated.


4. Questioned about Quayle's wealth and the affect it might have on acceptance of the GOP ticket, millionaire Clements and millionaire Bush indicated the GOP will reply in kind if the Democrats try to make an issue of wealth.


5. Unit together according to design the diagram paper with the norm to the foundation proceeds reply the test accept, the key item of the check has:a.


6. His Dowing Street office had already sent a reply to the youth.



7. He was glad of her reply; and yet that and the strange laugh jarred upon his feelings.


8. Excuse this belated reply to your very kind May Day greetings.


9. I kept on calling but there was no reply.


10. Thank Mr. smLuLU reply my question, this cat is different, he likes to go out with his drother -a golden retriver, when we go out together, he is so happy, if the neiborhood won't mind, I would like to bring them take a walk everyday(just in the cul-de-sac will be safely), of course the dog will be on leash and I will be careful, thank you!

Mr.smjlulu:可否请较一下,我数月前收养一只社区流浪猫,他喜欢白天出去社区玩,晚上才回来住在我家玄关,如果我带他去加拿大住在single house的社区,他还是一样白天喜欢出去社区逛逛,会不会让邻居不高兴或告我?

11. Court issued a writ of summons is an official document of the defendant, informing him that if the prosecutor`s claim that there are some disputes, they must appear in court to reply.


12. But could you be more specific in your reply please.


13. He dredged his consciousness up from an infinite distance in order to make some reply.


14. The above reply was written when I was in the hospital today.


15. reply什么意思

15. We should make a practical and feasible lash-up to reply another energy crisis.


16. PLease tailgate the following order that delivery delayed, and reply the specific delivery date.


17. reply的翻译

17. Your enquiry is too vague to enable us to reply you.


18. Leben is inadvisable to compose in reply some medicine and is convinced, if antibiotic, sulfanilamide kind medicine etc. such as chloromycetin, illotycin, their but lactobacillus in killing or destroying leben.


19. reply什么意思

19. We are making you this offer subject to your reply reaching here before the 15th this month.


20. reply

20. Please don't reply so that she won't find this. Here is my email address


reply 词典解释

1. 回复;回答

When you reply to something that someone has said or written to you, you say or write an answer to them.

e.g. 'That's a nice dress,' said Michael. 'Thanks,' she replied solemnly...


e.g. He replied that this was absolutely impossible...


2. 回信;回复;回应

A reply is something that you say or write when you answer someone or answer a letter or advertisement.

e.g. I called out a challenge, but there was no reply...


e.g. David has had 12 replies to his ad...


3. (在体育比赛中)以得分回应,回敬,

In sports, if you reply to a goal or a number of points scored by your opponents, you also score a goal or a number of points.

e.g. Graeme Hick scored an unbeaten 58 as Worcestershire replied to Middlesex's 202 with 132-3...


e.g. Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty, but Saints were quick to reply.


4. (以行动)作出回应,回击,反击

If you reply to something such as an attack with violence or with another action, you do something in response.

e.g. Farmers threw eggs and empty bottles at police, who replied with tear gas...


e.g. The National Salvation Front has already replied to this series of opposition moves with its own demonstrations.


reply 单语例句reply是什么意思

1. Hong made the remarks at a press conference in reply to questions about recent clashes between protestors and police and security forces in Cairo.

2. That would cut out a lot of unnecessary fighting and frustration over my spouse's wrong choice of diction in his reply.

3. It took everything I could muster not to cough or choke at hearing her reply.

4. You can either correspond with someone privately or reply on your " wall " so everyone can see.

5. Financial Secretary Henry Tang said this yesterday in a written reply to a legislative councillor.

6. Chen should reply to the student, refusing the credit given to him.

7. Normally, applicants will receive a reply the day after submitting their applications.

8. Many messages were deceptive, and Wang warned the public not to reply to or trust such messages.

9. If the police decide to accept a case, they must give a reply within a specified time.

10. " We wish to deny the news report of China Telecom buying MTN, " a China Telecom spokesman wrote in an emailed reply to a query from Reuters.

reply 英英释义



1. a statement (either spoken or written) that is made to reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation

e.g. I waited several days for his answer

he wrote replies to several of his critics

Synonym: answerresponse

2. the speech act of continuing a conversational exchange

e.g. he growled his reply

Synonym: response


1. react verbally

e.g. She didn't want to answer

answer the question

We answered that we would accept the invitation

Synonym: answerrespond