




1.塔可钟ut)意大利比萨三、两大可乐巨头营销策略对比饼和特柯贝尔TacoBell)墨西哥餐厅收归麾下。百事可乐和可口可乐之间的 …

3.塔科贝尔集团,旗下产业个个名头响亮:先有肯德基、 必胜客、塔克拜尔(TacoBell)。

6.圣西哥玉米卷餐馆e Transit Association 58 圣西哥玉米卷餐馆(Tacobell) 59 HEINZ 亨氏 60 大宇 DAEWOO 61 Piggly Wiggly Caropna 食品杂货 …


1.The same question is now being asked by a Capfornia woman regarding Taco Bell's beef products, which she claims contain very pttle meat.眼下,加州一位女子正在用同样的问题质疑TacoBell的牛肉产品,她宣称这些产品的牛肉含量很低。

2."Directors do not design aeroplanes for Boeing or make the food for Taco Bell, " says Mr Dimon of JPMorgan Chase.摩根大通的戴蒙(Dimon)类比道,“董事不会给波音公司设计飞机,也不会在塔可钟(TacoBell)烹饪。”

3.Taco Bell is also trying to sell breakfast, and Pizza Hut in China is pushing a teatime menu.TacoBell也正在尝试销售早餐,中国必胜客也推出了茶点菜单。

4.The Taco Bell chain creates multiple menu items from about eight different ingredients.TacoBell链使用大概八种不同的元素来创建多种菜单项。

5.Programmer Ted Dziuba suggests an alternative to traditional program that he called "Taco Bell Programming. "程序员TedDziuba提出了一种他命名为“TacoBell编程”的方案用于替代传统编程。

6.Does this, then, mean that it's okay to eat Burger King or Taco Bell five or six times per day?这是不是说,我们可以每天吃五六餐汉堡王(BurgerKing)或者TacoBell(一种墨西哥玉米卷,跟KFC一样是连锁店)?