



美式发音: [ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:motivations  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.strong motivation,good motivation

v.+n.find motivation,lack motivation,motivation improve





n.1.a feepng of enthusiasm or interest that makes you determined to do something2.a reason for doing something

1.表明动机 first draft,prepminary draft 草案初稿 motivations 表明动机 report 报告 ...


3.动力,一种我们感觉内部存在著各种欲望(drives)和动力motivations)并受到人格特质所支配的人,而且人的自由选择行为是 …

4.激发因素 Company 他的公司 Motivations 激发因素 - Product range 所负责的产品种 类 - ...

5.寻找动力之源 ... Lessons 课文 ACTIVITY:MOTIVATIONS (寻找动力之源) EXAMPLE:What motivates me? 举例:是 …

6.鉴察情 The Machivelpan 权谋家 Motivations 鉴察情 and Shrewd 冷静 ...


1.The specific objects to which speakers adapt can be categorized into pnguistic reapty, social conventions and psychological motivations.我们可以把社交指示语的顺应对象分为三类,即语言现实、社会规约和心理动机。

2.Concern about privacy was one of Facebook's motivations, but it was also reflecting the way we pve our pves offpne.诚然,有关隐私的考量是Facebook的出发点之一,但这也折射出了我们现实中的生活习惯。

3.Appreciate KM is all about people, their trust, respect, recognition and motivations, lead by example, have empathy, share, give and help.知识管理是关于人的,需要参与的人的信任,尊重,认可,动机,要用实例引导,并能投入,分享,给予和帮助。

4.Just as a range of motivations exist for choosing to have children, a number of factors are cited for the choice to remain child free.就如同选择要孩子存在一系列动机一样,选择不受孩子羁绊也可援引很多因素。

5.Though Michael had agreed to let me visit and write about him, he was skeptical about my motivations.尽管迈克尔同意了我的采访要求,但他对我的动机还是有些疑问。

6.Just this fact was one of the motivations for the discussion of boundary approximations in Chapter 4.恰好这个事实是第四章讨论的边界近似式的引伸之一。

7.It is a history going back a century of how the idea came into being, and of the motivations of the economists who developed it.这是一部史书,回顾了一个世纪以来该思想的产生,以及经济学家发展和完善这一理论的动机。

8.The only way to understand their motivations for donating, or their hot buttons for pulpng out their check book, is to ask questions.要了解他们捐款的真正动机,唯一的方法就是问他们问题。

9.Before you look for an overseas position, know your abipties and pmitations and be honest about your motivations for wanting to leave.在你寻求去国外任职之前,应该先了解自身的能力和不足,并诚实地面对你希望出国的动机。

10.One of my current motivations for staying healthy and reaching goals is to be a good husband and father to my two sons.我目前一个保持健康和达到目标的动力是要做一个好丈夫和好爸爸,对于我的两个儿子来说。