




1.第六日 Free 免费 The Sixth Day 第六天 WINDOW PROJECT 邓凝梅 ...

3.第六发现 The Matrix Lord rings 指环王 The Sixth Day 第六日 魔鬼复制人 | 第六发现 | 生死第六日 | 第六天 Shrek 史莱克 ...

4.第六专辑 The seventh day ! 第七天! The sixth day ! 工作第六天! The fifth day ! 第五天! ...

8.第十六天 The first day 工作第一天 The sixth day ! 第十六天! The fifteenth day ! 第十五天! ...


1.On the sixth day, the man throws the glass into the sea. His heart sinks to the bottom of the sea with it.第六天,男人把玻璃石扔进了大海,让他的心一起沉入大海。

2.She let him pe uninterred for five days , and no the sixth day , not knowing what else to do , she buried him in her own head .她的父亲五天都未能下葬,到了第六天,她想不出其他的办法,就把父亲葬在了自己的头顶上。

3.The sixth day you shall offer eight calves, two rams, and fourteen lambs of a year old, without blemish.应献公牛犊八头,公绵羊二只,一岁无瑕的公羔羊十四只。

4.' 'On the sixth day prepare eight bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect.第六日,要献公牛八头、公绵羊两只、一岁没有残疾的公羊羔十四只;

5.The sixth day of a U. N. -approved miptary operation to enforce a "no-fly" zone over the country showed no signs of letup.联合国批准的在利比亚上空实施禁飞区的军事行动进入第六天,军事行动没有任何减弱的迹象。

6.On the sixth day, he tied a small red cape around his neck and tried to think "Superman" thoughts.第六天,他在脖子上系了条红斗蓬,试图以“超人”的思维来思考。

7.On the sixth day, somewhat hopefully, I looked into the office Bartleby used. He was still there.到了第六天,有点希望,我看着巴特所使用的办公室。他还在那儿。

8.And God saw everything which he had made and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.神看着一切所造的都甚好。有晚上,有早晨,是第六日。

9.On the sixth day, god created man in his own image.创造世界的第六天,上帝以自身的形象创造了人类。

10.On the morning of the sixth day the postman brought him a thin letter from the editor of THE PARTHENON.第六天早上邮递员给他送来了《帕提农》的编辑给他的一封信。