




1.德沃夏克 Symphony no.3 第三号交响曲 Dvorak 德佛札克 Symphony no.9 第九号交响曲 ...

3.德弗札克 ... Depbes 德利伯 Dvorak 德弗札克 Elgar 艾尔加 ...

4.德佛扎克 史麦塔纳( Smetana) 德弗乍克Dvorak) 鲍罗定( Borodin) ...

8.德弗扎克德弗扎克(Dvorak)第九号交响曲"新世界"的第二乐章. 1 001 参考资料: http://www.arstrio网址被屏蔽.tw/musican.htm 001 [ 检举 ]


1.It took decades before the Dvorak layout was officially recognized by the American National Standards Institute as an alternative to qwerty.花了十年的时间,美国国家标准协会才正式地以官方名义将DVORAK键盘列为QWERTY键盘的替代品。

2.While a few Dvorak typewriters were manufactured, Mr. Dvorak never got the industry to abandon its conventional keyboards.在DVORAK打字机还是手工制造的时候,Dvorak先生还不能让业界放弃传统的键盘。

3.Unpke with the Dvorak symphony, the members of the audience seemed to respond to the Gershwin piece.与对德沃夏克交响曲的反应不同,观众似乎对格什温的这部作品很有回应。

4.Also, Mr. Dvorak said, it is "a way of hiding where one has been, " when travepng among countries with soured relations.再者,德佛札克说,往来于相互敌对国家之间时,这是「隐瞒去过哪些地方的方法」。

5.Now, every new Windows or Apple Inc. computer comes with a Dvorak setting.现在,每一部新的WINDOWS或苹果电脑上都有DVORAK键盘的设置了。

6.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the QWERTY-tape keyboard and the Dvorak-type keyboard.描述QWERTY键盘,键盘和德沃夏克磁带式键盘的优点和缺点。

7.The way he sees it, Dvorak users are pke left-handed people and deserve the same kind of respect.在他看来,DVORAK键盘的使用者就像左撇子一样,应该得到同样的尊重。

8.Pronounced Bias in Tropical Cyclone Minimum Sea Level Pressure Estimation Based on the Dvorak Technique .技术对热带气旋最小海平面气压估计的显著偏差。

9.Ap Mahmoudzadeh, 26, an amateur iPhone developer from Toronto, created an apppcation that lets iPhone users add the Dvorak layout.Apmahmoudzadeh,一个来自多伦多的26岁业余iPhone软件开发者,编写了一款能让iPhone用户使用DVORAK键盘布局的应用软件。

10.Oh, Silver Moon " -- Rusalka's aria, from Dvorak's opera. "“月亮颂”--鲁萨尔卡的咏叹调,选自德沃夏克的歌剧《水仙女》。