

truly:[英 [ˈtru:li] 美 [ˈtruli] ]


truly 基本解释

副词真正; 精确地,正确地; 忠实的,诚实地; 正当地


truly 相关例句


1. I am truly grateful for all your help.


2. This is a truly beautiful picture.


3. T-, I am sorry.


4. He spoke truly.


5. He is now truly American.


truly 情景对话


B:I thought I coached you on the secrets of flirting!



A:You overheard my conversation with Rose?


B:It was truly pathetic!



A:Shes not interested in me.


B:You have to flirt.


A:She doesnt find me attractive.


B:My gosh! Shes just playing hard-to-get!


truly 网络解释

1. truly

1. 真实的:地瓷板也同样把寒气由脚腂逼入,一股莫名的感觉涌遍全身,真实的(truly),疯狂的(madly),深沉的(deeply). 只是一瞬间,那感觉就离我而去(too swiftly fown away),毫无保留. 已经习惯不去挣扎也不害怕(dont agonise and fear),


2. 信利:伟达 东谷 蓝云 蓝天海 科泰 东普 长江 华苏 双龙 嘉仪 荣登 三佳 宝缦 元济 瑞东 达远 裕田 奥化 五丰 嘉兴利众 益多 如福 保灵天地 赞皇 康海数码 富士(FUJI) 多彩(DELUX) 中恒(DEC) 联想(lenovo) 信利(TRULY) 德劲(DEGEN

3. 真正:Really的确 | Truly真正 | Unmistakably错不了地

truly 双语例句

1. We are truly looking forward to your visit and inquiry any time.


2. China's foreign policy is independent and truly non-aligned.


3. This top-of-the-line commercial weight system is truly impressive.


4. Only truly revolutionary writers and artists can correctly solve the problem of whether to extol or to expose.


5. truly的反义词

5. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations


6. But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs toit belongs to you.


7. truly

7. Lentic truly reflects a new global reality of cultural exchange, and particularly China, a country that embodies the collision between East and West, ancient and modern.


8. Lentic is a refreshing step in a new direction – electronic music meets folk – and is truly a sonic representation of two countries: China and Canada.


9. But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to.


10. truly

10. At the same time solved the roof greening and leakage, as well as the insulation of the load-bearing problems, but also to be completed by transforming the roof of the environment, and truly realize the low investment, effective, three benefits are very significant.


11. Any chess fan will certainly like beautiful and truly high-quality graphics (even if you have a phone with a monochrome display).


12. This is truly a unique and wonderful experience.


13. But what I have is a perspective that is truly unique.


14. And what it has for each of us is truly unique.


15. There are few truly special and unique days in our lives.


16. It is truly a unique and thoughtful gift that will be cherished in later years.


17. Value your capabilities and talents for they are what make you truly unique.


18. It truly is a unique experience that won't be quickly forgotten.


19. Others, including Georg Feuerstein, argue that Wilber's Neo-perennial Philosophy is a confusion between concepts of differentiated nondualist doctrines (such as Plotinus's Neo-Platonism and Ramanuja's Vishishtadvaita Vedanta) and truly unitary monism of Zen and Advaita Vedanta: the former philosophies distinguish between emanated or manifest reality and the unchangeable source, while for Zen or Advaita the Source and reality are essentially one and the same.

还有,包括Georg Feuerstein也认为Wilber的新常青理论是不二论者(如普罗提诺的新柏拉图哲学和Ramanuja的Vishishtadvaita吠檀多)和单一论的禅和不二吠檀多的结合:早先的哲学区分了发散显现真实和不变的源头,而禅和不二论认为真相和本质是一致的。

20. The girl who loves you truly would be moved by you easily, no matter how dinky it is.


truly 词典解释

1. 真正地;完全地

You use truly to emphasize that something has all the features or qualities of a particular thing, or is the case to the fullest possible extent.

e.g. ...a truly democratic system...


e.g. Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle...


2. 非常;很

You can use truly in order to emphasize your description of something.

e.g. ...a truly splendid man...


e.g. They were truly appalling.


3. 由衷地;真诚地;真挚地

You use truly to emphasize that feelings are genuine and sincere.

e.g. Believe me, Susan, I am truly sorry...


e.g. He truly loved his children.


4. 的确;真的

You can use truly in order to emphasize that what you are saying is true.

e.g. I truly never minded caring for Rusty…


e.g. I do not expect a war between my country and yours. Truly I do not.


5. well and truly -> see well

6. (用于正式信件末尾)你忠实的

You write Yours truly at the end of a formal letter to someone you do not know very well. You write your signature after the words 'Yours truly'.

e.g. Yours truly, Phil Turner.


7. 我,鄙人

You can say yours truly as a way of referring to yourself.


e.g. Yours truly was awoken by a shout: 'Ahoy there!'


truly 单语例句truly

1. I looked at the old man once more and told him good bye thanking him as truly as I think he was acting with me.

2. If vendors are truly breaking the law and refusing orders then call in trained police to deal with them.

3. The only truly impressive structure was the state capital, with one of the largest domes in the US.

4. " This is an aspect which makes China truly captivating, " said the minister.

5. Cardio specialists and senior management were recruited from worldwide, making the hospital truly an international cardio facility.

6. I'm truly proud and humbled to carry the Qatar flag among my fellow athletes from all over the world.

7. So whether it is going to carry some real meaning this time or become yet another toothless regulation is truly debatable.

8. With new iPads and iPhones offering users the option of signing onto cloud, this could have a bigger impact once it truly catches on.

9. Some of the caves are truly cavernous and are home to enormous seated Buddhas that tower over visitors.

10. The film is a great present to the China Film Centennial and proves Chinese films are truly promising and prosperous.

truly 英英释义


1. in accordance with truth or fact or reality

e.g. she was now truly American

a genuinely open society

they don't really listen to us

Synonym: genuinelyreally

2. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers)

e.g. in truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire

really, you shouldn't have done it

a truly awful book

Synonym: in truthreally

3. by right

e.g. baseball rightfully is the nation's pastime

Synonym: rightfully

4. with sincerity

without pretense

e.g. she praised him sincerely for his victory

was unfeignedly glad to see his old teacher

we are truly sorry for the inconvenience

Synonym: sincerelyunfeignedly