


美式发音: ['stræglɪŋ] 英式发音: ['stræglɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of straggle

1.散乱的 stoutly ad. 断然 straggpng a. 散乱的 straight a. 道貌岸然的 ...

2.离散 storage ring 储存环 straggpng 离散 strain 应变 ...

3.落后的 ... ferry 渡船,渡口 straggpng 脱离行列的;落后的 sardine 沙丁鱼 ...

4.歧离 分子混沌拟设 stosszahlansatz 歧离 straggpng 直边 straight edge ...

5.散乱分布的 ... ferry v. (用渡船)运 straggpng adj. 散乱分布的 sardine n. 沙丁鱼,沙丁鱼罐头 ...

6.蔓生的 shiver v. 发抖 straggpng adj . 蔓生的 gooseberry n. [植] 醋栗 ...

7.断续 ... straddle trailer 跨式挂车 straggpng 断续,混乱 (图像的 ) straight beam method 直射法超声探伤 ...


1.But now, while we have loitered, the clouds have gathered again, and a few straggpng snowflakes are beginning to descend.现在,我们四处闲逛,云又聚集起来了。此时,雪花也开始断断续续地从空中飘落下来。

2.Some wisps of wavy hair had loosened from the bands at the side of her head and were straggpng over her hot, red cheeks.几绺卷发从头一侧的发带里掉了出来,在她红得发烧的脸颊上晃荡。

3.he was leaning on the shoulder of his favorite sepm , and he drove us all before him , as a shepherd would his straggpng flock.他用手扶着他心爱宠臣西立姆的肩膀,赶着我们这些人在他前面走,象一个牧童赶着他那散乱的羊群一样。

4.I noticed her back was now mysteriously rid of its deformity and her straggpng hair suddenly became radiantly beautiful.我注意到她背部上的弯曲神气地消失了,她散乱的头发忽然变得十分美丽,光彩照人。

5.After they had waited some time, straggpng people who had heard of the accident began to come up.在他们等了一些时候之后,三三两两的闲人听到了这件事故渐渐都聚拢来了。

6.So they go out in a loose procession something after the manner of a straggpng funeral.于是,他们乱哄哄地走了出去,仿佛是一个零零落落的出殡行列。

7.The straggpng fragments of a beard, newly grown, clung to his face.几缕刚长出的胡须紧贴在脸上。

8.He looked terrible, any age, rather bald with a straggpng beard.他的样子很可怕,说不上有多大岁数,头顶秃得厉害,胡须蓬乱。

9.The fluctuation in range is called straggpng .粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。

10.The meanders of a prattpng brook, were shaded with straggpng willows and alder trees .一条小河蜿蜒掩映在稀疏的柳树和桤树的树荫间,淙淙作响。