

lull:[英 [lʌl] 美 [lʌl] ]


过去式:lulled;   过去分词:lulled;   现在分词:lulling;   复数形式:lulls;

lull 基本解释


及物动词使镇静,使安静; 哄,哄骗; 使入睡

不及物动词平息; 停止; 平静,安静; 减弱

名词间歇; 暂停; 暂时平静; 催眠的东西

lull 相关例句


1. The wind lulled.



2. The motion of the train soon lulled me to sleep.


3. This will lull them into a false sense of security.



1. During the night the wind lulled.



1. This is just the lull before the storm.


lull 网络解释

1. 安静:奉承 flurry 困惑--此事听起来 flurry flack 严厉批评--缺乏的是 严厉批评 助词:前面唱歌(g)的是海鸥 (gull) ,海鸥喝(h)水用硬壳 (hull) ,拉(l)住海鸥快安静 (lull) ,飞到后山(m)去思考 (mull) ,

2. 使安静:drench 浸泡 | lull 使安静 | feat 功绩


3. 使平静, 哄骗, 使安静:gambol 欢跳, 雀跃, 嬉戏 | lull 使平静, 哄骗, 使安静 | loll 懒洋洋地倚靠

lull 双语例句

1. The lull in the wind threatens storm, and the lowering clouds in the west bode no good.


2. III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull'd by the coil of his crystàlline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae's bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave's intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them!


3. For I lull nobody, and you will never understand me.


4. This is the lull before the storm.


5. This will lull them into a false sense of security.


6. All I have left is the quiet of space to lull me to sleep. I will dream of you.


7. lull

7. Yes, it's only the lull before the storm, I'm afraid.


8. This is just the lull before the storm.


9. It was the lull before the storm.



10. While it's true that teams at least the equal of the Boston Celtics have suffered a post-championship lull, it's probably not going to be an issue in Beantown.


11. Don't let quickness lull you into neglecting your footwork, and the modern


12. Only the lull I like, the hum of your valved voice.


13. To lull a baby to sleep, you could try rocking it about, or singing to it.



14. The heavy shower of rain is slackening into fitful pauses, renewed gusts of wind startle it from a first lull.


15. It was a lull between events, and people were milling around clearing things away. The white lines of the 100 metres section dwindled invitingly before us.


16. The monotonous voice of the movement of the train lull ed me to sleep.


17. Secret attacks: Goomba's lull you into a false sense of security so that you will forget to do anything and just stupidly run into them.


18. From now on I will not look the South Korean television does not buy the Han domestic products not to listen to the Han national anthem not to go to the South Korean Enterprise work to see South Korean not him If surpasses 1/3 South Korean such to think that I such do Did not have the Chinese South Korean to have nothing to eat the grass their American's running dog grass you to lull the North Korean nationality the shame to lose face to the person of Asian descent from the thinking matter's comedian clown Above me said the words are aim at the South Korean anti-Chinese chop suey to say are not aim at all South Korean I to believe that South Korea has understood in the middle of China's South Korean's Chinese also has did not understand affair's person key is needs to think this country how the leader is educates own national, despises The US government grass you to lull them askewly chirp should not be intensely the mule is the horse do take in there slides, if you dared to meddle the Chinese internal affairs labor to be killed by explosion your grass with the nuclear bomb you to let us not be able to live we also to let you not feel better fight in which both sides perish Does your mother


19. But after the two-month lull, the trade in monkey meat may be resuming.


20. Right now, Galactor operations were experiencing a lull-- the Syndicate was preparing the biomechs, GSI was getting itself back on its feet, and Alatan herself was making preparations for the Nightfall Operation.

立刻,Galactor 手术是经历暂停--企业联合正在准备 biomechs,GSI 正在它的脚上得到它本身向后地,而且 Alatan 她自己正在为傍晚手术作准备。

lull 词典解释

1. 间歇期;平静期

A lull is a period of quiet or calm in a longer period of activity or excitement.

e.g. There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president.


e.g. ...a lull in the conversation.


2. 哄骗;麻痹;使放松警惕

If you are lulled into feeling safe, someone or something causes you to feel safe at a time when you are not safe.


e.g. It is easy to be lulled into a false sense of security...


e.g. I had been lulled into thinking the publicity would be a trivial matter...


3. 使安静;使昏昏欲睡

If someone or something lulls you, they cause you to feel calm or sleepy.

e.g. With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze...


e.g. The swish of the tyres lulled him into a light doze...


4. 暴风雨前的宁静

If you describe a situation as the lull before the storm, you mean that although it is calm now, there is going to be trouble in the future.


lull 单语例句

1. Another Cabinet Office economic report released Wednesday underscored the new challenges facing Japan, which had been on the mend from a lull in growth late last year.

2. Diesel consumption is also expected to come to a lull as factories shut down for the festive period.

3. There is now a lull in the product cycle, but not necessarily in consumer demand.

4. The Palestinian Red Crescent said in a statement that one of its ambulance drivers was shot by Israeli soldiers during the lull.

5. The brief lull in fighting allowing residents to get out could signal that the army plans to increase its aerial and other attacks later Sunday.

6. In fact, both the domestic and overseas ephedrine markets are in a lull now.

7. Clashes in the suburbs of Damascus have become increasingly common despite the lull every now and then in those areas.

8. The alliance has brought a lull in factional fighting, but crime and violence remain rampant in Gaza.

9. But two rockets were fired a month ago after a long lull and a military group with links to al Qaeda claimed responsibility.

10. His latest album could be a diversion from the youthful trend, although most songs still lull listeners into his pure dream world.

lull 英英释义


1. a period of calm weather

e.g. there was a lull in the storm

Synonym: quiet

2. a pause during which things are calm or activities are diminished

e.g. there was never a letup in the noise

Synonym: letup


1. become quiet or less intensive

e.g. the fighting lulled for a moment

Synonym: calm down

2. calm by deception

e.g. Don't let yourself be lulled into a false state of security

3. make calm or still

e.g. quiet the dragons of worry and fear

Synonym: calmcalm downquiettranquilizetranquillizetranquillisequietenstill