




1.会话 请求和响应相关 HttpServletRequest 会话跟踪 HttpSession 过滤 Filter ...

5.会话跟踪接口 ... 3.3.4 ServletConfig 初始化配置接口 80 3.3.5 HttpSession 会话跟踪接口 82 3.3.6 ServletException 异常接口 87 ...

6.管理会话 session 会话内 HttpSession 服务器生命周期内 request 请求内 ...


1.That said, perhaps you really, really can't tolerate someone having to log back in and recreate the HttpSession object from scratch.话说如此,也许您真的确实无法容忍某人必须重新登录并从头重新创建HttpSession对象。

2.I say "unfortunately" because HttpSession often ends up being used as an apppcation cache, which it really wasn't intended to be.我说的“遗憾”是因为,HttpSession通常最终被用作应用程序缓存,这实在不是其预期的目的。

3.A simple example would be a J2EE apppcation that uses in-memory HttpSession objects to store user session information.一个简单示例是J2EE应用程序,它使用内存中的HttpSession对象存储用户会话信息。

4.WebSphere Apppcation Server does not normally enforce any authorization of HTTP Session access.WebSphereApppcationServer通常不强制对HTTPSession访问进行任何授权。

5.Of course, reducing the overall size of your HttpSession objects is a highly effective tuning technique.当然,减少HttpSession对象的总体数量也是十分高效的优化技术。

6.The HttpSession object, with the user and pst beans stored within it, remain for the next request.HttpSession对象以及存储在这个对象中的用户和列表bean仍保留了下来以便下一次请求使用。

7.The most common requirement for this feature concerns transparently storing objects in the HTTP session in web apppcations.对于这个特性,最通常的需求是关于在web应用程序HTTPsession中透明存储对象。

8.Unfortunately, some apppcations that use their own security track the user's authentication session through the use of the HTTP Session.遗憾的是,一些使用自己的安全性的应用程序通过使用HTTPSession来跟踪用户的身份验证会话。

9.Conversations allow you to create stateful components without having to resort to using the HttpSession.对话允许您创建有状态的组件,而不必使用HttpSession。

10.If I wanted to grab the instance of HttpSession, I'd use the session variable name.如果想获得HttpSession的实例,那么就要使用session变量名。