




1.分组 isEditing 是否有行编辑。 groupBy 分组。比如: frozenColumns 锁定列。比如…

2.组织表输出 ... 查看对象结构( Get-Member) 组织表输出( -GroupBy) 对控制台输出进行分页( Out-Host) ...

3.分组查询 联接操作符(join,GroupJoin)05 分组操作符(GroupBy)06 串联操作符(Concat)07 聚合操作符(Aggregate,Average,Count,Long…

5.子句 ... sum 计算总工资 groupby 子句 select 小结 ...


7.分组条件询属性过滤条件(attributeFilter)、分组条件groupBy)、查询 id 数组(ids)、关联查询项数组(joinItems)、关联外部 …

8.建立分组统计的查询4.1.6 建立分组统计的查询(GroupBy)


1.Indicates that the data column is being used to create a grouped result set (is part of a GROUP BY clause) in an aggregate query.表示数据列用于在聚合查询中创建分组的结果集(GROUPBY子句的一部分)。

2.Therefore, you can use a data column in a WHERE clause even if it is not part of the GROUP BY clause or contained in an aggregate function.所以,即使数据列不是GROUPBY子句的一部分或者不包含在聚合函数中,也可以在WHERE子句中使用它。

3.One of these operators (shown on the lower branch in Figure 4) feeds a Group By operator, which performs the aggregations shown in Table 1.其中一个操作符(图4中下方的分支)为一个GroupBy操作符提供输入,后者执行表1中所示的聚合。

4.If the associated data column is part of a GROUP BY clause, the expression you enter is used for a HAVING clause.如果关联的数据列是GROUPBY子句的一部分,则输入的表达式用于HAVING子句。

5.A query can use an indexed view in its execution plan even if it does not satisfy these GROUP BY restrictions.即使一个索引视图不满足这些GROUPBY限制,查询也可以在其执行计划中使用该视图。

6.Use the Group by drop-down menu on the right-side panel (Figure 21) to switch to the Folders view (if it is not the view already selected).使用在右边面板的Groupby拉下菜单(图21)以切换到Folders视图(如果它不是目前已选择的视图)。

7.A column used in an expression of the SELECT clause must be in the GROUP BY clause.在SELECT子句的表达式中使用的列必须位于GROUPBY子句中。

8.Using SQL group by and aggregation functions on that table is usually more efficient than producing the same result in plain XQuery.对该表使用SQL的groupby函数和聚集函数通常比使用生成相同结果的普通XQuery更有效。

9.When used without a GROUP BY clause, aggregate functions report only one aggregate value for a SELECT statement.如果聚合函数没有使用GROUPBY子句,则只为SELECT语句报告一个聚合值。

10.The main query does not contain a GROUP BY clause, and is not an aggregate query, or the subquery returns exactly one value.主查询不包含GROUPBY子句并且不是汇总查询,或者子查询恰好返回一个值。