

seldom:[英 [ˈseldəm] 美 [ˈsɛldəm] ]


seldom 基本解释

副词难得; 很少,罕见; 不大

seldom 同义词


seldom 反义词



seldom 相关词组

1. not seldom : 常常;

seldom 相关例句


1. He is seldom ill.


2. The children are seldom ill.


3. She seldom showed her feelings.


4. It is seldom that a man lives to be a hundred years old.


seldom 情景对话



A:Where did you go yesterday?



B:I went to play tennis in the public park.


A:How often do you play tennis?


B:Twice a week. How about you?


A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.


B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.


A:I usually play with my schoolmates.



B:Do you like watching football matches?


A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.


B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.


seldom 网络解释

1. 很少:以后几个月,本博客的更新会比较少,大多数时间会跟书本打交道. 我很少(seldom)跟大家联系,但不代表我就把大家忘了. (该忘掉的一定会忘掉)

2. seldom

2. 倒装句词汇:50.word for word 逐字逐句地 | 51.at work 在工作、 忙于 | 倒装句词汇:neither = nor = no more , little , seldom , hardly , scarcely , rarely , never , not ,


3. 很少,不常:seize 抓住(时机等) | seldom 很少,不常 | select 选择,挑选,选拔


4. 很少、不常:Ice and Snow Festival 冰雪节 | seldom很少、不常 | enough充足的、充分的

seldom 双语例句

1. Because the three polar bodies are seldom found in the same focal plane, a recording showing all three polar bodies at the same time is hardly possible.



2. From this touching narrative, it is clear that Visual Action was established with passion to explore issue existing in the past or contemporary issues in our world, which people are seldom understand and or/aware of, and present them through the term of visual action, like videos, photographs and publication.



3. Then I seldom go to the students'union, the work that but sometimes must be done, the example is like the council of ministers of propaganda of this afternoon.



4. Do they pointout the fact that you seldom finish what you start?


5. seldom在线翻译

5. Among intra-granular cracks, those which is along the cleavage surface are seldom seen.


6. seldom

6. I never went out a fishing or shooting; a book, indeed, sometimes debauched me from my work, but that was seldom, was private, and gave no scandal; and, to show that I was not above my business, I sometimes brought home the paper I purchased at the stores through the streets on a wheelbarrow.


7. I seldom go to karaoke bar, because I have no talent of singing.


8. seldom的翻译

8. So delightful a companion was she, that the bartonet Would seldom tate his walk after breakfast without her—and the children, of course—When she Would giVe her advice as to the trees which should be cut down, the crops that were to be gathered, the horse that were to go to cart or plough.


9. Recognize that extreme views (whether conservative or liberal) are seldom correct, so they avoid them, practice fair-mindedness, and seek a balanced view.


10. But for long time, most investors of our country think that environmental investment all has public welfare and macro view, suffers a deficit because of devotion much and production little, receives seldom direct returns.


11. Today is wedesday, my son spent a happy day in his kindergarten, now he is becoming more and more open and clear. but he is still a litlle shy, today his teacher told me that my son seldom asked question, when she let my son answer questions, his voce is small. this makes me fell worry, I donn't know how to let him overcome this shortcoming, I hope that someone help me, here I thank you.


12. By flow cytometry it is found that sub-monoploid cells are seldom seen in the normal testis but increase in the testis of model mice.


13. Even when they have an opportunity of saving they seldom exercise it; but all that is beyond their present necessities goes, generally speaking, to the alehouse.


14. It is at our mother's knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest, but there is seldom any money in them.


15. My efforts to do a good job are seldom blocked by red tape.


16. In half a year they were lovers more passionate than others, even though they seldom lived together.


17. During The Middle Ages, in about the fifteenth century, metal was expensive and seldom used for household wares.


18. Because I seldom exercise, did not brandish a few tired on the breathless, so drenched Mrs. White-eyed.


19. Yeah, I seldom visit the small stores here because I always worry about the quality of something.


20. Background and Purposes: Children with functional articulation disorders are characterized with articulation and sound production deficits Articulation and sound production depends on activation and coordination of many muscles and vocal structures It could be considered as one type of motor coordination tasks Inconclusive results were noted in the literature regarding if children with functional articulation disorders have deficits in the motor coordination performance of other parts of body Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition (BOT-2) and Movement Assessment Battery for Children are two mostly frequently used assessment tools of motor performance in researches and clinical practices Whether the scores of these two tests are correlated is seldom examined The purposes of this study were to answer the questions 1 if children with FAD also had other body parts motor coordination deficit; 2 if the scores of BOT-2 and M-ABC were correlated Methods: Thirty children with FAD referred from NCKUH 540?

背景及目的:?能性构音障碍儿童的特徵为构音与发声之缺失。构音与发声需要整合协调多部位的构造与肌肉,因此可视为动作协调能力的一种。过往的文献对於?能性构音障碍儿童是否有也有身体其他部位之动作协调能力缺失此一问题并未有一致的结果。第二版布鲁茵克斯-欧西瑞斯基动作精练度评量工具(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2nd edition 简称BOT-2)与儿童动作评估测验(Movement Assessment Battery for Children 简称Movement-ABC)皆为临床与研究中常使用的动作评估工具,虽BOT-2测验包含的动作面向较为完整,但Movement-ABC 在使用上较为快速简便。因此在本篇研究中,使用BOT-2与Movement-ABC来检验?能性构音障碍的儿童在各类动作面向的表现,并探讨这两种动作测验之间的相关性。

seldom 词典解释

1. 不常;很少;难得

If something seldom happens, it happens only occasionally.


e.g. They seldom speak...


e.g. I've seldom felt so happy...


seldom 单语例句

1. It is an approach seldom adopted by Hollywood genre films in which the stories develop in a certain pattern and always have a clear resolution.

2. But the capital's stages are seldom graced by such grand performances from Shanghai.

3. Though seldom bothered by her weight, the difficulty in finding jobs has led her to consider undergoing liposuction.

4. In several countries, the public so opposes capital punishment that the matter seldom becomes a political issue.

5. The elderly and the children seldom venture out, as every year a dozen cattle routinely fall down the cliff to their death.

6. About 21 percent of those polled by CCTV said they seldom donated to charity, even though 56 percent did so once a year.

7. Yang had seldom bothered to check out price tags when she shopped in supermarkets or department stores.

8. And they seldom give the patients medical checkup properly before carrying out treatment just for the profit.

9. That's common sense, but it is seldom done because it's expensive.

10. This may partly explain why administrative leaders seldom defend administrative litigation cases in court in person.

seldom 英英释义


1. not often

e.g. we rarely met

Synonym: rarely