

consent:[英 [kənˈsent] 美 [kənˈsɛnt] ]


过去式:consented;   过去分词:consented;   现在分词:consenting;

consent 基本解释

名词同意; 准许,赞同; (意见等的)一致

不及物动词同意; 允许; 赞成,赞同


consent 相关例句


1. I asked my mother if I could go out, and she consented.



2. They would not consent to my leaving school.



3. Would you consent to work for us?



1. I had to get my mother's consent before I went.



2. I ought first to have asked your consent.


consent 网络解释

1. 答应:但是平原君知道,楚国为了自保是不愿意轻易答应(consent)出兵救援赵国的,因此这次去楚国搬救兵的困难十分巨大. 于是平原君就带了二十个门客去说服动员楚王. 平原君心想,万一谈不成功,楚王不肯出兵救援赵国,他就用武力强迫楚王同意.

2. 赞成:它不是表现为强制,而是通过被统治者的积极赞成(consent)而实施的统治. (3)这个概念的精微与深刻之处在于:葛兰西感觉到了现代西方资产阶级民主社会(或市民社会)中支配关系的新形态,即它比以赤裸裸的武力为基础的统治权力更为含蓄、复杂、多元,

3. 允诺:这个组织认为,一个软件是否为间谍软件可以从三个方面来判断:通知(notice),允诺(consent)以及控制(control). 在安装一个应用软件的时候,用户应该知道这个工具的用途. 用户应该有权力安装,删除软件.

consent 双语例句


1. A simple configure automatic enrollment and full consent of the participant with this Regulation.


2. consent是什么意思

2. Q: Lately, she has been, with the consent of her nephrologist, using fish-oil supplements as well as flax seed..


3. MATERIALS: The human amnion cells (consent was obtained from the puerperant) were prepared human acellular amniotic membrane.


4. consent的近义词

4. These verbs are compared as they mean to succeed in causing a person to do or consent to something.


5. B The Purchaser shall not make available or otherwise disclose to any third party the proprietary software or any part thereof or any information relating thereto without the prior written consent of corporation.


6. You have the written consent of any government or agency that is sponsoring you, and



7. The written consent of a parent is required.


8. consent的翻译

8. The artist should have the written consent of the owner of the property.


9. The study was approved by our institutional review board and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects.


10. F any person with the express or implied consent of the data subject


11. And yet the most elementary comparative jurisprudence should show the jurist what this free consent really amounts to.


12. The agent's authority cannot be delegated to another without the consent of the principal.


13. A Payment Certificate shall not be deemed to indicate the Engineer's acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction.


14. One purpose of lodging a caveat is to prevent the land from being transferred or otherwise dealt by the owner of the land without the knowledge or consent of the caveator.


15. We have subjected enormous numbers of people to contact with these poisons, without their consent and often without their knowledge.

Live and Die,此文章版权归原作者所有!

16. consent

16. Discuss the issues of choice and consent or non-consent in light of the readings, in light of your outside explorations, and/or in terms of your paper topic.


17. Coercion of will is vitiation of true consent


18. 2 Neither party shall assign or novate its rights or obligations under this Agreement or any part thereof without the prior written consent of the other unless it is assigned to any company within the group company known in Malaysia as the XX Group.

未经协议另一方事先书面同意,任何一方不得转让或移交其在本协议项下的全部或部分权利或义务,向在马来西亚的XX Group集团公司内部的其他公司转让除外。

19. consent在线翻译

19. Neither party may assign this Agreement or any rights, benefits or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party, except that either partymay assign or novate this Agreement or any rights, benefits or obligations hereunder, to one or more of its wholly owned subsidiaries upon written notice and approval of the other party setting forth the effective date of such assignment or novation.

党不也许在此之下分配这个协议或任何权利、好处或义务没有另一党的预先的同意书,除了或者partymay 在此之下分配或novate 这个协议或所有权利、好处或义务,到一个或更多它的完全拥有的另一党的辅助者在书面通知和认同指出这样的任务或代旧债有效日期。

20. The slight hitch is that Google has not only copied the books without permission but is also trying to dictate the prices and value of those books without the consent of the authors.


consent 词典解释

1. 许可;允许

If you give your consent to something, you give someone permission to do it.

e.g. At approximately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search...


e.g. Can my child be medically examined without my consent?


2. 同意;允许

If you consent to something, you agree to do it or to allow it to be done.

e.g. He finally consented to go...


e.g. He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening...


3. see also: age of consent

4. 经一致同意;经双方同意

If something happens by common consent or by mutual consent, it happens as the result of an agreement between the people or groups involved.

e.g. By common consent their talk avoided the reason for their being there at all...


e.g. He left the company by mutual consent last September.


5. 经普遍同意

You can use by general consent or by common consent to indicate that most people agree that something is true.

e.g. By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.


consent 单语例句consent的解释

1. The agreement covers a period of three years and is extendable by mutual consent.

2. Corinthians said in a statement that Ze Augusto had left by mutual consent and would return to his previous employment with the youth teams.

3. The agreement will last for three years and is extendable by mutual consent, according to a statement posted on the website of the People's Bank of China.

4. The agreement will last for three years and is extendable by mutual consent, according to a statement posted on the PBOC's website.

5. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said that any Syrian transition government " will be chosen by mutual consent and will exclude murderers ".

6. In Texas, someone younger than 17 generally cannot consent to sex with an adult.

7. The transfer of one party's share in the registered capital shall be effected only with the consent of the other parties to the venture.

8. Such conclusions soon reignited public wrangling over Jiangxi's plan to build the dam, because consent from scientists would carry weight with the central government.

9. The two broadcasters will submit financial reports to the authority annually, but Cheng said she cannot disclose actual figures without the consent of the broadcasters.

10. UN officials concede that Colombo would never consent to such an investigation of its conduct in the conflict.

consent 英英释义


1. permission to do something

e.g. he indicated his consent


1. give an affirmative reply to

respond favorably to

e.g. I cannot accept your invitation

I go for this resolution

Synonym: acceptgo for