

rival:[英 [ˈraɪvl] 美 ['raɪvl] ]


过去式:rivalled;   过去分词:rivalled;   现在分词:rivalling;   复数形式:rivals;

rival 基本解释

名词对手; 竞争者

及物动词与…竞争; 比得上某人




rival 同义词


rival 反义词



rival 相关例句


1. The rival companies tried to outsell one another.



1. He soon rivaled the others in skill.


2. She lived in many places, but she says nothing can rival the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.


3. Ships can't rival planes for speed.



1. rival在线翻译

1. They are rivals for the same office.


2. rival什么意思

2. His collection of stamps has few rivals in the world.


rival 网络解释

1. 竞争对手:近日,微软在给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的报告中,第一次将典范公司列为自己的竞争对手(Rival),此举大大地提高了典范公司的市场地位. 典范公司何以能够取得如此殊荣?说到底,这是因为典范公司乃是当今世界最流行的Ubuntu

2. rival在线翻译

2. 竞争者:是一款玩家在童话风格的地图上与对方玩家展开碰撞竞赛的游戏,游戏中投入了多种系统,拥有协作模式、对战模式及竞争者(RIVAL)系统等.

3. rival:rapid insurance valuation language; 保险费快速评估语言

rival 双语例句

1. Example: My favorite basketball team whupped its rival 82 to 14 in last night's game.


2. Five games away from the final, Girondins of Burdeos was the next rival.

距离最后的决赛还有5场比赛,Girondins of Burdeos是下一个对手。


3. This text passes the analysis to the luck camp mode, foreground performance, market environment, rival which is suffused with a second town river, put forward carrying the improvement of the camp mode and the development direction of the company's aftertime to that company, and provide reference to the same kind electronic commerce service luck camp and development of the company.


4. rival的反义词

4. That's a rival for leadership.


5. The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden, rival stage magicians in turn of the century London.


6. To dream of sleeping on a pallet shows that you have a rival who is very jealous of your success.


7. rival的意思

7. A: The basic blade 1: side of the knife, you straight to the enemy to red in the past, is about to come into contact withthe enemy that Shana, to the left or right side out at the same time a rival to the heavy knife.


8. rival

8. Or hand-stitched details to rival those you might find on the interior of tweed pants made on Savile Row?

或者你想要手织的详细资料来与那些Savile Row上斜纹软呢裤竞争?

9. In the same period, Chinese funding of infrastructure and development in Africa grew to rival lending by multilateral agencies such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.


10. Within this broad church he will face not a single credible rival.


11. You see it a flower-shaped, Single, and shaped like a rose is not fragile like a rose, the double, layer upon layer Yong Kan ronghua your rival and Peony.


12. She won a narrow victory over her rival in the tennis competition.


13. Both Democratic presidential Barack Obama and his Republican vival rival John McCain addressed older people's concern s Saturday in speeches via satellite to a meeting of AARP, an advocacy group for Americans 50 years and older.

无论是民主党的总统候选人奥巴马还是共和党的总统候选人麦克因都在星期六的时候,通过电视卫星,转播会见 AARP 时的讲话。这个组织代表了美国50岁及以上年代的人。

14. The student had worked briefly for the weekly Nacional and had friends at Jutarnji`s rival daily, Vecernji List.


15. rival在线翻译

15. So-called refers to an enterprise competitive advantage, relative to the rival in the management of certain features.


16. The delay is a product of the competition within China`s bureaucracy, as rival agencies compete for such a valuable prize.


17. Roche, the Swiss pharmaceutical group, is funding a study to test the efficacy of its flu drug Tamiflu in combination with rival GlaxoSmithKline's Relenza, in one of several initiatives to extend further the market for its blockbuster antiviral treatment.



18. Hamas has said that it will finalise its cabinet and submit the names to the Palestinian president after Mahmoud Abbas'Fatah faction and rival parties refused to join it in government.


19. While there's life there's hope is a conviction not so entirely unknown to the `betrayed'as some amiable theorists would have us believe. Tess Durbeyfield, then, in good heart, and full of zest for life, descended the Egdon slopes lower and lower towards the dairy of her pilgrimage. The marked difference, in the final particular, between the rival vales now showed itself.


20. Yum!, which first arrived in China in 1987 (three years before McDonald`s), has always stayed ahead of its rival—going by both the number of restaurants and consumers` awareness of the brand. In 2005 the two titans were joined by another American stalwart, Burger King, the world`s second-largest burger chain.


rival 词典解释in AM, use 美国英语用rivaling, rivaled

1. 竞争者;对手;敌手

Your rival is a person, business, or organization who you are competing or fighting against in the same area or for the same things.

e.g. The world champion finished more than two seconds ahead of his nearest rival...


e.g. He eliminated his rivals in a brutal struggle for power...


2. 没有敌手;独一无二;无人能及

If you say that someone or something has no rivals or is without rival, you mean that it is best of its type.

e.g. ...a wonderfully fragrant wine which has no rivals in the Rhone...


e.g. He is a pastry chef without rival.


3. 能与…媲美;与…匹敌;与…不分高低

If you say that one thing rivals another, you mean that they are both of the same standard or quality.

e.g. Cassette recorders cannot rival the sound quality of CDs...


e.g. An epidemic to rival that which killed 26,000 in 1989 may hit the UK.


rival 单语例句

1. Some institutional investors are dumping Sinopec shares to buy into its major rival, analysts explained.

2. One Foundation will act as a rival to or mark of reference for the charity foundations attached to government departments.

3. Sales growth at Coles lags behind larger rival Woolworths Ltd, prompting last month's decision to seek a buyer because it can't meet profit forecasts.

4. The project took a knock after Japan offered a rival pipeline that will bypass China and stretch to Russia's Far East port of Nakhodka.

5. But rival NYSE is still far ahead with 31 Chinese companies that have a total global market capitalization of $ 833 billion.

6. Capping two days of debate, the Senate also appeared ready to approve a rival measure backed by Republicans.

7. Obama and newly empowered Republicans each framed their rival political themes, ones that will carry them to the 2012 elections.

8. It is similar to the case of a bigger bank taking over a smaller rival.

9. But as the election nears, both Obama and rival John McCain saw their cash on hand dwindle.

10. It also cast doubt on renewed calls for Palestinian unity by the rival factions.

rival 英英释义


1. the contestant you hope to defeat

e.g. he had respect for his rivals

he wanted to know what the competition was doing

Synonym: challengercompetitorcompetitioncontender


1. be the rival of, be in competition with

e.g. we are rivaling for first place in the race

2. be equal to in quality or ability

e.g. Nothing can rival cotton for durability

Your performance doesn't even touch that of your colleagues

Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents

Synonym: equaltouchmatch