

pale:[英 [peɪl] 美 [pel] ]


过去式:paled;   过去分词:paled;   现在分词:paling;

pale 基本解释

形容词苍白的; 无力的; 暗淡的; 浅色的

不及物动词变得苍白; 失色; 变得暗淡

及物动词用栅栏围; 使失色; 使变苍白

名词栅栏,围篱; 桩; 境界,范围

pale 相关词组

1. beyond the pale : 在高尚行为的范围以外(处于受排斥境地);

pale 相关例句


1. She was pale with fear.


2. He wore a pale blue tie.



3. The sky was pale blue.



1. His behavior is really beyond the pale!


pale 网络解释

1. 淡色:另普林斯敦出版东南亚鸟书描述灰脚秧鸡亚成(幼)鸟脸部为淡色(PALE)特徵并未出现於照片中. 若张所摄确为繁殖配对,则兰阳溪口颜色较为黯淡者似为雌鸟,不知虹膜颜色是否适用判断成幼年龄,某些秧鸡科成员如红冠水鸡的亚成鸟虹膜似为暗褐色而非成鸟红色,

2. 淡:祖母绿颜色可以较浅,但是不能太淡,浅(Light)和淡(pale)是绝然不同的定义,颜色淡的祖母绿是缺少了绿色的浓度,在宝石学的界限上会被列入绿色柱石(Qreen beryl)而不真正属于祖母绿的范畴,它的价格与祖母绿差距很大.

3. 帕莱:城郊有帕莱(Pale)、伊利扎(Ilidza)疗养地. 萨拉曼卡 (Salamanca)西班牙中西部城市. 人口连郊区16.7万(1981). 位于托尔梅斯河(Tormes)北岸. 著名的历史古城,原为伊比利人聚落,迦太基和罗马时代经济发达. 八至十一世纪时为基督教徒和摩尔人的战场.

4. pale:pelvis andlegs elevating; 下身可抬高的座椅

pale 双语例句

1. Keeps his pale court in beauty and decay


2. pale的近义词

2. The crop top is raised and the boy lifts her bra and licks and kisses those gorgeous pale breasts.


3. pale什么意思

3. Confectioners like sour pickles, butchers like marzipan, and the baker prefers sausage to bread; bullfighters raise pigeons for a hobby, boxers turn pale when their children have nosebleeds: I find all this quite natural, for I never laugh off duty.



4. Of the pale tide when the moon has set


5. Today all that seems pale and thin and very far away.


6. His tipsiness had worn off and left his face pale and his eyes bloodshot.


7. The FAI logo, comprising an image of an eagle in white on top of a golden Earth is superimposed on a background of pale blue meridians and parallels symbolising FAI`s world-wide reach.

FAI 标志包括一个白色老鹰在一个黄金地球的形象,叠加在浅蓝经络和平行的背景,象徵 FAI 的世界广泛影响力。

8. pale

8. Jet black to pale red in color, eight arms lined with suction cups and rows of soft fleshy spines known as cirri., like an octopus.



9. The cold, pale sunlight fell on their gloomy faces, long hair and lusterless eyes.


10. He was very pale following his birth and received light therapy in an incubator for kernicterus.


11. pale

11. You're looking pale. Is there a shortage of rouge?


12. You`re looking pale, is there a shortage of rouge?


13. Healthy gingivae are pale pink and the margin is knife edged and scalloped; a streamlined papilla is often grooved by a sluice-way and the attached gingiva is stippled.



14. Then he said something that made my face blush so red, I'm sure my lips looked pale.


15. It was higher than a big scythe blade and a very pale lavender above the dark blue water.


16. So he watched, make-up artist in her pale face painting, give her Lips like painted flames.


17. Leaves abaxially yellowish or pale green, glabrous or ± pubescent with brown trichomes, smooth to touch; trichomes fine, appressed, deciduous, leaving brown dots on leaf surface after falling.


18. pale的翻译

18. Pinkish purple, multi_ petalled; flowers in clear layers with flat round buds, narrow stiff leaves in pale green, stout branches, spreading.


19. pale的意思

19. He looked tired, disheveled and very pale when he came back home.


20. pale在线翻译

20. As the ischemic time was prolonged, amorphous dense bodies were found in swellen mitochondria, and the nucleus progressed gradually from early pyknosis to karyswelling, karyorhexis and karyolysis. The myocardium eosin staining became pale. Cell membrane was disrupted. This indicates that it entered an irreversible swelling stage.


pale 词典解释

1. 浅色的;灰白的

If something is pale, it is very light in colour or almost white.


e.g. Migrating birds filled the pale sky...


e.g. As we age, our skin becomes paler.


2. (脸色)苍白的

If someone looks pale, their face looks a lighter colour than usual, usually because they are ill, frightened, or shocked.


e.g. She looked pale and tired...


e.g. He went deathly pale.



...his paleness when he realized that he was bleeding.


3. 显得逊色;相形失色

If one thing pales in comparison with another, it is made to seem much less important, serious, or good by it.


e.g. When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.


e.g. ...a soap opera against which other soaps pale into insignificance.


4. (行为举止)出格的,越轨的

If you think that someone's actions or behaviour are not acceptable, you can say that they are beyond the pale.

e.g. This sort of thing really is quite beyond the pale.


e.g. ...beyond the pale of acceptable human behaviour.


pale 单语例句

1. Old Tibet was " hell on earth ", which made slavery of medieval Europe and America look pale by comparison.

2. Chinese fortunes on the mainland pale by comparison with those of the wealthiest in the SAR.

3. The raw materials have undergone special processing which removes a large part of caffeine, making the color pale yellow.

4. After the initial frisson of interest it quickly became apparent that this was a pale imitation - Shenyang without the charisma.

5. Because Imperial Rome was built of white travertine stone, the builders of the papal city chose pale renderings to imitate marble.

6. Pale gold in color with the aromas of toasted bread and citrus fruit, the producers also use the Champagne method.

7. Coldness makes men gloomy and pale while sunshine brings a good mood.

8. They daubed red paint onto the walls and dome to restore its namesake color after a government restoration left it pale yellow.

9. Also try to ensure your urine remains pale yellow to colorless throughout the day.

10. Xiao doesn't pale in comparison to Tiger Mother Amy Chua in the United States.

pale 英英释义



1. a wooden strip forming part of a fence

Synonym: picket


1. turn pale, as if in fear

Synonym: blanchblench


1. abnormally deficient in color as suggesting physical or emotional distress

e.g. the pallid face of the invalid

her wan face suddenly flushed

Synonym: pallidwan

2. lacking in vitality or interest or effectiveness

e.g. a pale rendition of the aria

pale prose with the faint sweetness of lavender

a pallid performance

Synonym: pallid

3. very light colored

highly diluted with white

e.g. pale seagreen

pale blue eyes

4. not full or rich

e.g. high, pale, pure and lovely song

5. (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness

dim or feeble

e.g. the pale light of a half moon

a pale sun

the late afternoon light coming through the el tracks fell in pale oblongs on the street

a pallid sky

the pale (or wan) stars

the wan light of dawn

Synonym: pallidwansick