

detriment:[英 [ˈdetrɪmənt] 美 [ˈdɛtrəmənt] ]



detriment 基本解释

名词损害,伤害; 造成损害的事物


detriment 相关例句


1. detriment的近义词

1. He sits up very late to the detriment of his health.


detriment 网络解释

1. 伤害:因为尚有些不确定性,其中最至关重要的是基因组的研究并没有追踪临床实践,伤害(detriment)了临床与流行病研究的已良好确立的方法. 诚然,为了完全探索基因组的医学利益,需要将它整合到涉及有病人的临床研究中,和整合到社会流行病的研究中.

2. 损伤:detraction 浮觉现象 | detriment 损伤 | Detroit Word Recognition Test 底特律识字测验

3. 毁损:detract 降低 | detriment 毁损 | detriment 伤害

detriment 双语例句

1. Base on that, this paper illustrates the necessity of procedure justice and the detriment resulting from the lack of it through analyzing She Xianglin Case. At the same time, the paper reveals the cause of the lack of the procedure justice from the inherent root and transeunt elements through analyzing Liu Yong Case.


2. Unfortunately, and much to their detriment, many REALTORS try to do it all by themselves.


3. Only two of the root and rely on the version of the rollers in contact with oscillating roll each ink density characteristics to the detriment of the quality of its density, depending on the starting point of oscillating.


4. Grudges are felt and linger - sometimes providing an opportunity to settle old scores - often to the detriment of efficiency and effectiveness.


5. detriment的解释

5. He is emotionally involved with the people, sometimes to the detriment of accurate and objective reporting.


6. Resistance to the revolution--all to the detriment of the people's cause.



7. In the past, ignorance about such effect has led to discontent and long-term detriment to people`s performance.


8. detriment的反义词

8. Nhs. As a result, extended delays are occurring in drug approval, to the detriment of the people who need them.


9. In the end, to their detriment, people are always risk-adverse toward gains, but risk-seeking toward losses.


10. An army gains a victory, and immediately the claims of the conquering people are increased to the detriment of the conquered.


11. Unjust laws are a detriment to society and end up penalizing innocent, rather than guilty people.


12. detriment是什么意思

12. To the financial field as an example a large number of inequality in terms of format, these terms all the unreasonable detriment of consumer interests, and also distort the market.


13. He works two jobs to the detriment of his health.


14. Seller and buyer concur in the principle that this contract shall be carried out between the two parties with fairness and without detriment to the interests of either party, and if in the course of the performance of the contract any infringement of this principle is anticipated or disclosed, then seller and buyer shall promptly confer in the good faith with each other to agree upon such an action as mat be necessary to remove the clause or clause of such infringement.


15. Is Washington afraid he will be too soft on his Wall Street buddies to the detriment of the taxpayer?


16. detriment的解释

16. Whereas there is, at this time, not without the shipwreck of many souls, and grievous detriment to the unity of the Church, a certain erroneous doctrine disseminated touching Justification; the sacred and holy, oecumenical and general Synod of Trent, lawfully assembled in the Holy Ghost, --the most reverend lords, Giammaria del Monte, bishop of Palaestrina, and Marcellus of the title of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, priest, cardinals of the holy Roman Church, and legates apostolic a latere, presiding therein, in the name of our most holy father and lord in Christ, Paul III.

鉴于,在这个时候,不是没有沉船的许多心灵,严重损害教会合一的,有一定错误的学说传播感人的理由;的神圣和神圣的,oecumenical和一般主教的遄达,合法聚集在圣灵-最可敬的毒枭,G iammaria蒙特,主教P alaestrina,并玛尔凯的标题十字架在耶路撒冷,神父,主教的神圣罗马教会,并l egates使徒一l atere,主持其中,在名称我们最神圣的父亲和老爷在基督,保罗三。

17. To engage in dumping sales (except the cases of sales of fresh and live merchandises, seasonal merchandises and stockpiled merchandises at discount) at belowcost prices in order to attain an upper hand over rivals or dominate the market and disrupt the normal production and operation order to great detriment s to the interests of the State or the lawful rights and interests of other business operators


18. detriment的反义词

18. A conflict of interest is defined as a situation in which a Rotarian, in relationship to an outside organization, is in a position to influence the spending of TRF grant funds, or influence decisions in ways that could lead directly or indirectly to financial gain for the Rotarian, a business colleague, or his or her family, or give improper advantage to others to the detriment of TRF.


19. detriment

19. E., on the instructions of the waterworks committee had prohibited the use of municipal water for purposes other than those of consumption (envisaging the possibility of recourse being had to the impotable water of the Grand and Royal canals as in 1893) particularly as the South Dublin Guardians, notwithstanding their ration of 15 gallons per day per pauper supplied through a 6 inch meter, had been convicted of a wastage of 20, 000 gallons per night by a reading of their meter on the affirmation of the law agent of the corporation, Mr Ignatius Rice, solicitor, thereby acting to the detriment of another section of the public, selfsupporting taxpayers, solvent, sound.


20. It is not the task of the law to choose between different moral opinions, and still less can the law claim to impose one particular opinion to the detriment of others.


detriment 词典解释

1. 对…有害;有损于

If something happens to the detriment of something or to a person's detriment, it causes harm or damage to them.

e.g. Children spend too much time on schoolwork, to the detriment of other activities.


2. 对…无害;无损于

If something happens without detriment to a person or thing, it does not harm or damage them.

e.g. These difficulties have been overcome without detriment to performance.


detriment 单语例句

1. We must demonstrate that the free flow of goods and capital does not develop to the detriment of the most vulnerable segments of the population.

2. We cannot speak good English to the detriment of our mother tongue.

3. The group said it rejected protectionism even amid signs some of its members are shielding their industries to the detriment of rivals.

4. The government considers the problem a detriment to the interests of companies and smaller shareholders and the many reason for reported company losses.

5. Authorities feel the rapid growth in manufacturing should not sideline agriculture to the detriment of the nation and its rural communities.

6. The use of trade protective tools is a detriment to US consumers and does nothing to help the less vigorous industries.

7. But despite this detriment and her tomboy look, contest winner Li Yuchun garnered the most audience votes.

8. She accused Bush of having expanded executive power to the detriment of the Constitution, while often operating in secrecy.

9. The genetically modified fish would grow fast and consume more food to the detriment of conventional wild salmon.

10. But many parents worried their children would devote themselves to electronic games to the detriment of their studies.

detriment什么意思detriment 英英释义


1. a damage or loss

Synonym: hurt