

earmark:[英 [ˈɪəmɑ:k] 美 [ˈɪrmɑ:rk] ]


过去式:earmarked;   过去分词:earmarked;   现在分词:earmarking;

earmark 基本解释

及物动词标记; 指定用途; 打耳记

名词特征; 标记; 耳记

earmark 相关例句

1. Correct speech is an earmark of the educated man.



1. This sum of money is earmarked for our research.



2. One thousand dollars is earmarked to buy books for the library.


earmark 网络解释

1. 指定用途,专款专用:1135debenture capital债券资本 | 1364earmark 指定用途,专款专用 | 1365earmarked loan 用贷款

2. 耳号:early 早的 | earmark 耳号 | earmuff 御寒耳罩

earmark 双语例句

1. Technician of imitate fixed position is affirmatory to place shoot wild reach protection to organize limits to go up at face guard with earmark pen draw the outline of, film image is saved contrast with equipment test and verify at computer, fall in identical parameter by technician to remedial computer room again, the position is blocked to undertake draw the outline of to lead with earmark pen on bracket of plumbic link stopper, send expanded plastics of patternmaking room cut, mould plumbic piece, refrigeration next shape, sticky finally stick plumbic piece to send imitate test and verify of fixed position room.


2. Financial agencies in every district and county would earmark special funds to give subsidies to the insured farmers in there area.



3. Governments at all levels also earmark large amounts of funds for the establishment of special rehabilitation centers each year.


4. In future, the Group will earmark extra funds for research, employ



5. You can earmark your money for specific programs, or contribute to develop a special part of the collection, such as job resources or online subscriptions.


6. Earmark some time away from your PC and get together with colleagues, some marker pens and lots of paper.



7. Of earmark projects and pork barrel projects for his state.


8. He appears to earmark his tax increases and spending cuts mostly to pay for his long-standing priorities: making permanent the worker tax credit in the fiscal-stimulus plan; expanding public subsidies for health care and college education; investment in alternative energy; and extra deployments to Afghanistan.


9. earmark

9. And, absolutely, we need earmark reform. And when I'm


10. The focus of concern, according to western diplomats in Kinshasa, is that the deal would give the Chinese consortium unprecedented state financial guarantees, including some that earmark government revenues and make China a privileged creditor.


11. earmark是什么意思

11. Every constituent does not use the thick end of earmark pen and fine end picture, measure 20 times.


12. I respect Congress's authority over the public purse, but the time has come to reform the earmark process and dramatically reduce the number of earmarks.


13. Who fought against wasteful and earmark spending?


14. earmark

14. The partners and directors earmark a part of the turnover from the sale of these solutions for creating greater security in our real world.


15. And tomorrow, I will issue an Executive Order that directs Federal agencies to ignore any future earmark that is not voted on by the Congress.


16. earmark的反义词

16. What's next, a congressional earmark for olives?



17. The central government will earmark special fund to support the middle and western areas.


18. Nehru explored an industrialization way called middle way & India socialism according to the situation of India and the age earmark after independency.


19. earmark的近义词

19. To this end, each participating country would be required to earmark specific tax revenues.


20. A congressman has the power to earmark funds for a specific project.


earmark 词典解释

1. 指定(款项等)用作特定用途

If resources such as money are earmarked for a particular purpose, they are reserved for that purpose.

e.g. ...the extra money being earmarked for the new projects...


e.g. The education department has earmarked £6m for the new school...


2. 决定,确定(关闭、处理等)

If something has been earmarked for closure or disposal, for example, people have decided that it will be closed or got rid of.


e.g. Their support meant that he was not forced to sell the business which was earmarked for disposal last year...


e.g. The pit was one of the 31 earmarked for closure by the Trade and Industry Secretary.


earmark 单语例句earmark什么意思

1. The cabinet urged government departments to earmark more funds and enhance management and cooperation in implementing these measures.

2. The central and local governments earmark big sums of capital to set up the employment promotion fund every year.

3. He said the government is preparing to earmark 15 billion yuan to subsidize interest payments on loans taken out by companies for technological advancement.

4. To earmark HK $ 300 million to set up a child development fund to provide children from a disadvantaged background with more development opportunities.

5. Given the serious infrastructure disparity in the rural areas, the government will not earmark adequate funds to fill the gap.

6. The following five years will see Qingdao earmark 200 million yuan each year on a forestation drive.

7. Ma said the Executive Yuan will earmark NT $ 1 billion for the fund this year.

8. BEIJING - China announced on Wednesday that it will earmark special fund from its central budget to support the restructure of its rare earths industry.

9. International visitors looking for quality home products from India with unique presentations earmark the show as a " must - attend " business event each year.

10. Tao suggests that the government should earmark more from its coffers every year to help farmers set up their own pension savings accounts.

earmark的意思earmark 英英释义


1. a distinctive characteristic or attribute

Synonym: hallmarktrademarkstylemark

2. identification mark on the ear of a domestic animal



1. give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause

e.g. I will earmark this money for your research

She sets aside time for meditation every day

Synonym: allowappropriateset asidereserve