

ferry:[英 [ˈferi] 美 [ˈfɛri] ]


过去式:ferried;   过去分词:ferried;   现在分词:ferrying;   复数形式:ferries;

ferry 基本解释

名词渡船; 渡口; 摆渡; 用船渡运

及物动词航海; 渡运; (乘渡船)渡过(河等)


ferry 相关例句


1. Two small boats ferry people back and forth.


2. We ferried the river.



1. The tourists ferried across to the opposite bank.



1. A ferry crosses the river every hour.


2. They waited for the ferry to return.


ferry 网络解释


1. 渡口:(动物也可以作为礼物送给别的城市,重要的是送出去的动物实际上是宫殿里动物的后代,并不会减少当前宫殿里动物的数量) 4:桥梁(Bridge)和渡口(Ferry):用来跨越河流.

ferry 双语例句

1. ferry的解释

1. I don't want to go on that ferry.


2. ferry的翻译

2. To ferry me over, my love and I.


3. I wish I had a handsome boatman To ferry me over, my love and I.


4. If you want to go to that island, you have to take the ferry.


5. ferry的近义词

5. You have to ferry souls to the next world.


6. Depart from Macau Maritime Ferry Terminal and pass through Macau Fishman's Wharf, Friendship Bridge


7. Introduce according to ferry of Liang Hong of spokesman of news of bureau of trade of Fosan city classics, this Fosan municipal government goes to ferry Shanghai Su Zhe investigation group to research way in, 24 days of Wei Zhe in Alibaba headquarters and bureau of trade of Fosan city classics sign strategic cooperation agreement, establish Fosan is in Hua Na area to expand the main base of electronic business affairs for Alibaba.


8. Liang Hong ferry discloses, fosan municipal government and Alibaba's contact only then this year the whole nation two meetings, in this month, fosan will negotiate cooperation before Lin Yuanhe of secretary of Fosan municipal Party committee invites Wei Zhe, around process is insufficient January.


9. ferry的解释

9. They come to the Life Ferry Station

音乐,宝率众走圆场,来到人生渡口) Let ` s go!

10. ferry的意思

10. The higher price that a foreigner pays for the ferry is quite official and not an unauthorised rip-off.


11. You can travel to this place by land or by see, so we decided to act like tourists and take a ferry.



12. If you want tickets for the ferry, please fill in this booking form.


13. It has good view of the river and the ferry.


14. This is the same price as the conventional ferry that is meant to be cheaper.


15. Today my father and I were waiting for a ferry.


16. When the boat man reached the shore, he then said the truth to doctor Jia, I had three dreams last night: When I just about to sleep, the Earth Deity appears and told me when doctor Jia wants to cross the river tomorrow, do not ferry him; in the middle of the night, the River Deity told me that if doctor Jia wants to cross this river, do not ferry him; when dawn came, Bodhisattva Guan Yin appears and told me that when doctor Jia comes in the morning to cross the river, do not ferry him.


17. SHIPBROKER sells freight ferry to Express Shipping for 5.4m, with deal expected to be completed by early December.

船舶经纪人克拉克森公司以540万欧元价格将旗下CFF Seine号货运渡轮出售给快递航运公司,交易预计于12月初达成。

18. Scandlines operates 12 passenger and freight ferry lines between Denmark and Germany, Denmark and Sweden, Sweden and Germany, to the Baltic States and inside Denmark.

据《金融时报德国版》报道,私募基金3i 公司和德国安联保险公司旗下Allianz Capital以及德国海运公司将共同出价大约为15亿欧元收购这家德-丹合资企业。

19. ferry

19. There's an oil tanker and a tugboat over there, a ferry over there, and a cruise ship docked at the pier.


20. The Hotel was in a superb position right on the beach at Santander, and also convenient for the ferry port.

住客评语反映的是 Booking.com的客人在酒店住宿后对该酒店的个人意见和看法。

ferry 词典解释

1. 渡船;渡轮

A ferry is a boat that transports passengers and sometimes also vehicles, usually across rivers or short stretches of sea.

e.g. They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.


2. (通常指定时往返两地间)运送,渡运,摆渡

If a vehicle ferries people or goods, it transports them, usually by means of regular journeys between the same two places.

e.g. Every day, a plane arrives to ferry guests to and from Bird Island Lodge...


e.g. It was still dark when five coaches started to ferry the miners the 140 miles from the Silverhill colliery...

天还黑着,就有5辆大巴开始从距银山煤矿 140 英里的地方出发运送矿工。

ferry 单语例句

1. There was no indication of what caused the ferry to capsize in what appeared to be ideal weather conditions.

2. The ferry's owners said overloading could have caused the ferry to capsize, according to Bahrain television.

3. Indonesian police has declared the captain of the ferry Sabir as suspects due the charge of ignorance which cause the loss of hundreds of lives.

4. A special prosecutor has said Carpenter entered Ross'home in Martins Ferry in May and removed items that identified her as the surrogate.

5. Officials initially reported 747 passengers and crew were aboard the ferry, but said Monday that it was carrying about 100 more.

6. The ferry may not be an actual time machine, but it is the only way on or off the island.

7. After the Caution Slope, you will get to the Celestial Ferry Bridge.

8. Make your way down the swaying gangplank and board a Star Ferry, the humble vessel that has been plying Victoria Harbor for more than a century.

9. The much publicized protests over the demolition of an old ferry pier seem to have awakened the public sentiment described by sociologists as " collective memory ".

10. The loving ferry town is a commercial center, combining leisure and sightseeing.

ferry 英英释义


1. transport by boat or aircraft

Synonym: ferrying

2. a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule

Synonym: ferryboat


1. travel by ferry

2. transport by ferry

3. transport from one place to another