

postgraduate:[英 [ˌpəʊstˈgrædʒuət] 美 [ˌpoʊstˈgrædʒuət] ]



postgraduate 基本解释




postgraduate 网络解释


1. 硕士:申请类型:申请新加坡政府大学硕士(postgraduate)可以by research或者by course. 一般而言,如果你需要奖学金,那只能申请by research以获得research scholarship. 而且现在政府大学的政策是很少招收中国学生读m...

2. 研究生、大学毕业后的:postwar 戰後 | postgraduate 研究生、大學畢業後的 | postmeridian 午後的

3. 研究所学生:postglacial 冰河期以后的 | postgraduate 研究所学生 | posthaste 特快

postgraduate 双语例句

1. It offers postgraduate courses such as cellular pathology, hematology, immunology, medical microbiology; and undergraduate courses such as applied biochemistry and molecular biology, conservation biology, and applied microbiology.


2. But during the postgraduate times I have gained a method of learning and analyzing problems, especially the studying of Statistics and Econometrics, from which I regulate my data processing method.


3. Fu Xiaoxin, a postgraduate Master majoring in communication management in France National Electrical Communication College.


4. MBA. on a summer vacation, at the age of twenty i came across him who, once fell in love to him, told me that he had passed the postgraduate examination. on hearing that i felt further frustrated by his prograss and couldn't stand weeping sadly for not thinking he could have a look on my ability. after thirty i kept trying to get a false diploma of MBA


5. postgraduate的翻译

5. Students may postpone their military service up to the age of 29, or up to the age of 35 in the case of postgraduate students.


6. postgraduate是什么意思

6. That is the ambition of this postgraduate course.


7. postgraduate

7. If you are undertaking a postgraduate taught course, you need to know the optional modules of your course.


8. Although I am from postgraduate course, I got to know them through the clinical hours


9. postgraduate

9. The programme has been designed to meet the demand for a specialist postgraduate course in finance.


10. Have you ever taken a postgraduate course in any research institute?


11. Ltd. during the period of my 3 years postgraduate course.


12. Structural dynamics is a degree course for postgraduate students of the department of engineering mechanics.


13. The book appeals to evolutionary biologists and developmental biologists at postgraduate and postdoctorate level.



14. It has 1, 152 undergraduate students, over 20 postgraduate students and 14 faculty members among whom are 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 4 instructors and 2 teaching assistants, one of them is postdoctorate, three have doctor's degree and seven have master's degree.


15. The purpose of the comparison on Chinese and russian postgraduate education is to find the differences between them and provide same useful references for our postgraduate education.


16. Were higher, which may be related to the similar cultivating and management of three soil samples. Postgraduate: Jiao Xiaodan Major: Olericulture Supervise: Prof. Wu Fengzhi


17. But because of the limitation experimental condition and time, there are still lots of work need to be done, such as experiment further validation, optimization of some parameters. Postgraduate: Wang Ping Major: Olericulture Superviser: Prof. Luan Feishi



18. Postgraduate: GaoMeiling Major: Olericulture Superviser: Prof. Luan Feishi


19. In this experiment, eight heat tolerance cucumber cultivars were selected: Yinxing, Japan cunlu, Japan jizao number3, Xiaqing number4, 631-1, 315, Jinyan number4, bailvjie. 631-1 showed high heat tolerance in all stages. Postgraduate: Meng LingboMajor: Olericulture Supervisor: Prof. Qin Zhiwei


20. He is a graduate of the Dalian Maritime Transportation College and a postgraduate of the China Academy of Social Sciences.


postgraduate 词典解释

1. 研究生

A post-graduate or a postgraduate student is a student with a first degree from a university who is studying or doing research at a more advanced level.


in AM, use 美国英语用 graduate student

2. 研究生的

Postgraduate study or research is done by a student who has a first degree and is studying or doing research at a more advanced level.

e.g. ...postgraduate courses...


e.g. Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University.


in AM, use 美国英语用 graduatepostgraduate 单语例句postgraduate

1. Keson Bernard Tinker is a postgraduate student of business management at Shanghai's Donghua University.

2. Classrooms have been fully packed with the advent of the annual exam for postgraduate schools, driving some students to sit outside classrooms.

3. The number of students expected to take part in tomorrow's national postgraduate entrance examination has dropped for the first time in a decade.

4. Yet some professionals warn that postgraduate study does not guarantee a good job and can even be detrimental to a career.

5. The misleading signal from the job market that people's ability is judged largely by their diplomas will inevitably undermine our postgraduate education.

6. They would also get an extra 10 points in entrance examinations for postgraduate studies after the service.

7. Zhu recognized that it will take decades for the university to qualify for postgraduate and doctoral programs under current policies in China.

8. I am a junior student majoring in traditional Chinese medicine and I want to do my postgraduate studies at a domestic university.

9. " We already have a doorkeeper to keep strangers away from the dorm, " said a female postgraduate law student.

10. Officials in the Guangzhou town of Zengcheng are searching for 200 village officials with postgraduate education background or higher.

postgraduate的近义词postgraduate 英英释义


1. a student who continues studies after graduation

Synonym: graduate studentgrad student


1. of or relating to studies beyond a bachelor's degree

e.g. graduate courses

Synonym: graduate(a)