




1.失蜡铸造Investment Casting)又脱蜡铸造或失蜡铸造(Lost-wax Casting),这种铸造工艺可以生产出精密复杂、接近于产品最后形状, …

2.脱蜡法 ... lost wax casting1. 脱蜡铸造 lost-wax casting1. 脱蜡法 o lost wax casting1. 蜡木模铸造 ...

3.失蜡法 ... 绳纹(纹) cord pattern N 失蜡(蜡)法 lost-wax casting N ...

4.脱蜡铸模法 lost wax 脱蜡法 lost-wax casting 脱蜡铸模法 lot price 整包价:一批货成包买时的克拉价 ...

5.脱蜡铸造 ... 外廊线 contour 失蜡铸造法 lost-wax casting 尼龙草 raffia ...

7.初学脱蜡铸造 lost-wax casting 脱蜡铸造 lost-wax casting 学术名词 ...


1.These supppers could either used lost wax casting technology or sand casting technology (depending on the profile of the sculpture).供应商可以使用脱蜡铸造技术或砂模铸造技术(根据雕塑艺术的细节要求)。

2.The first bomb I built was done entirely with the "lost wax casting" method used by artists, sculptors, and jewelers.第一炸弹i内建做完全与“失蜡精密铸造”所使用的方法,艺术家,雕刻家,和贵金属。

3.Mainly dry sand Mold Casting, Vacuum Mold Casting, Resin Sand Mold Casting Lost Wax Casting, and other technologies.主要有干砂实型铸造、负压实型铸造、树脂砂实型铸造及失蜡精铸等技术。

4.An Analysis of the Mechanism of White Defects in Lost Wax Casting and Precautionary Measures消失模铸造中白色缺陷产生机理分析和预防措施

5.Improvement of Casting Structure for Lost Wax Casting Parts with High Quapty修改铸件结构设计获取高质量熔模精铸件

6.The ponderation on the origin of lost wax casting in ancient china中国早期失蜡铸造问题的考察与思考

7.Conceptual Model of Lost Wax Casting Technique失腊法铸造