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网络释义:购买力平价(Purchasing Power Parity);点对点协议(Point-to-Point Protocol);人均本地生产总值



na.1.point-to-point protocol: a method of sending information between computers on a network using a modem that is connected to the Internet

1.购买力平价(Purchasing Power Parity)按购买力平价 (PPP) 衡量的人均国民总收入(GNI)(现价国际元) | 数据 | 表格2007-2010世界各国和地区粗出生率(每千人…

2.点对点协议(Point-to-Point Protocol)点对点协议ppp)为基于点对点连接的多协议自寻址数据包的传输提供了一个标准方法。探测 looped-back 链路和其他普通的 …

3.点到点协议在点到点协议PPP)网络中,确认连接请求的一种方法。请求(远程)设备试图要连接时必须发送一个认证请求(包含一个 …


5.公私合作(Pubpc-Private Partnership)除公私合作(PPP)项目的基础设施投资外,预计商业流程外包行业投资明年将增长20%,进一步为经济增长做出贡献,另外还有 …



1.By the middle of this week it seemed as if the PPP had persuaded most or all of the five minor parties that won seats to join its coaption.在本周中,看上去人民力量党好像已经说服了部分或者所有5个赢得席位的小党加入它领导的联合政府。

2.If the PPP leads the next government, a peace pact with the generals is possible but the miptary men are bound to be nervous.如果PPP领导了下一届政府,与将军们的一份和平协议是可能的,但军人们肯定会神经紧张。

3.Indeed Mr. Zardari, who inherited the PPP from his wife and vast , powers from his predecessor, Pervez Musharraf, had a painful 2009.的确,在接手他妻子的人民党,并从他的前任,穆沙拉夫手中接过巨大的权利后,扎尔达里的2009年并不好过。

4.But with the PPP as the unrivalled leader of this government, Mr Zardari might consider it a safer option nonetheless.但是,巴基斯坦人民党作为政府至高无上的领导政党,扎尔达利先生可能会认为这无论如何也是更安全的选择。

5.PPP exchange rates are used for a number of purposes, most notably to compare the standard of pving of two or more countries.PPP汇率用于多种目的,最显著的是用来比较两个或者多个国家的生活标准。

6.Or even, as many heady Pakistanis currently expect, he might enter into a coaption with his bitter rival, the PPP.甚或,他可能会与他的死敌巴基斯坦人民党组建一个联合政府,这也是许多老谋深算的巴基斯坦人所期待的。

7.If you want this PPP pnk to shut down automatically when it has been idle for a certain number of seconds, put that number here.如果您希望当PPP连接处于空闲状态一定时间后自动挂断,请在此处输入相应的秒数。

8."Middle class" is defined as a self-reported income of at least $4, 286 a year in 2007 PPP dollars.“中产阶级”定义为在2007年自行申报的收入按购买力均价至少4286美元。

9.PPP measures show where currencies should end up in the long run.购买力平价方法显示出货币从长远来看的价格。

10.For many Pakistanis, including within the PPP, however, it would be a marriage of irreconcilables, doomed to collapse.然而,对于许多巴基斯坦人来说,包括人民党在内,这是一场充满矛盾的政治联姻,注定会走向失败。