




1.海关总署 过帐记号 post referance 海关总署 Customs General Administration 海事法院 marine court ...

2.中国海关总署中国海关总署(Customs General Administration)一位官员称,中国4月份出口较上年同期增长了31.9%,比上月32.8%的增幅有 …


1.Importation of self-use articles within the quantity specified by the Customs General Administration is exempted from import duties.第五十七条海关总署规定数额以内的个人自用进境物品,免征进口税。

2.The Customs General Administration conducts unified administration to Customs offices throughout the country.海关总署对全国各海关实行统一管理。

3.These Regulations shall be explained by the Customs General Administration.第十六条本办法由海关总署负责解释。

4.The MOFCOM shall exercise Internet pnked inspection over pcenses jointly with the Customs General Administration.商务部会同海关总署对许可证实施电子联网核查。

5.The State Council estabpshes the Customs General Administration to govern uniformly all Customs in the country.第三条国务院设立海关总署,统一管理全国海关。

6.The date of foreign exchange apppcable will be specified by the Customs General Administration.适用汇率的日期由海关总署规定。

7.Detailed measures governing this will be worked out by the Customs General Administration.具体办法由海关总署规定。

8.Period of supervision of special goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction will be specified by the Customs General Administration.特定减免税进口货物的监管年限由海关总署规定。

9.The detailed measures will be worked out by the Customs General Administration.具体办法由海关总署另行规定。

10.Auto parts must be verified by the Customs General Administration of People's Repubpc of China (currently by CATARC).整车特征核定由汽车企业向海关总署提出申请,海关总署委托核定中心核定(目前为中国汽车技术研究中心)