


美式发音: [ˈkʌstədi] 英式发音: ['kʌstədi]




adj.+n.protective custody,safe custody

v.+n.give custody





1.监护权;保管权;监护;保管the legal right or duty to take care of or keep sb/sth; the act of taking care of sth/sb

Who will have custody of the children?谁来负责监护这些孩子?

The divorce court awarded custody to the child's mother.离婚法庭把监护权判给了孩子的母亲。

The parents were locked in a bitter battle for custody.双亲陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。

The bank provides safe custody for valuables.这家银行提供对贵重物品的安全保管服务。

The castle is now in the custody of the state.现在那座城堡由国家照管。

2.(尤指在候审时的)拘留,拘押,羁押the state of being in prison, especially while waiting for trial

After the riot, 32 people were taken into popce custody .那场暴乱后,有 32 人被警方拘留。

He was remanded in custody , charged with the murder of a popceman.他被控谋杀一名警察,正在羁押候审。


n.1.[Law]the legal right to look after a child2.[Law]a situation in which someone is kept in prison until they go to court for trial3.the protection or care of someone or something

1.保管 custodian trustee 受托保管人 custody 保管 custody account 代管帐户 ...

2.拘留 country( 国家); custody( 监禁,拘留); cell( 细胞); ...

3.监护 curtail v 截短; 缩短 (讲话、 节目等) custody v 监护 cypnder n 圆柱体 ...

4.监禁 country( 国家); custody监禁,拘留); cell( 细胞); ...

5.监护权 division of property 财产分割 custody 监护权 joint custody 共同监护权 ...

6.羁押 2.=custodian 管理人,监护人 3.=custody 监护,监禁,羁押 1.=custard 乳蛋糕 ...

7.保护 curtain n. 帘,窗帘 custody n. 保护,拘留 customer n. 顾客 ...

8.抚养权抚养权(custody) 抚养权是指由哪一方去照顾孩子日常起居生活的就是拥有孩子的抚养权。 如果父母双方不能达成协议可以经由 …


1.Just a year later, she was attacked by regime thugs, and taken into custody.但仅仅一年之后,昂山素季即遭到当局指使的暴徒的袭击,并再次被囚禁。

2.And Tryphon removed from Ptolemais with a great army, to invade the land of Juda, and Jonathan was with him in custody.特黎丰离开仆托肋买,带著大军,要侵入犹太地,且押著约纳堂与他同去。

3.At quarter to five, Podesta called again and said the Miami family was now refusing even to recognize the fathers custody rights.4点45分,波德斯塔再次电话来说,亲属一方现在甚至要拒绝承认埃连父亲的监护权。

4.Popce arrested the driver of the bus and held him in custody while considering what kind of charges to hold him responsible for, Gago said.Gago表示,警察已经逮捕并扣押了公交车的司机,并在考虑将以何种指控追究其责任。

5.The newspaper accounts she discovered and shared with Rappaport mentioned that custody of the children had been awarded to their father.姐姐将她的发现的新闻报道分享给了妹妹Rappaport,报上谈到孩子的监护权归于他们的父亲。

6.And with Mladic now in custody, Hala Gorani looks back at some of the reaction to what could be the end of this dark chapter in history.现在姆拉迪奇也被关押,HalaGorani回顾人们对这一历史黑暗章节结束的反应。

7.Although he and his wife divorced. he is still striving for the custody of his daughter.尽管他和妻子离婚了。但他仍竭力争取女儿的抚养权。

8.A member of Mr Ai's family said at least one of his associates remains in custody, after being detained on Sunday.周日,在警方搜查艾未未的北京住宅和工作室后,他的妻子和八名雇员曾遭到短暂扣留。

9.So he asked Pharaoh's officials who were in custody with him in his master's house, "Why are your faces so sad today? "他便问法老的二臣,就是与他同囚在他主人府里的,说:“他们今日为什么面带愁容呢?”

10.One of two New Jersey prison inmates who escaped in a method right out of Shawshank Redemption is back in custody.以电影《肖申克的救赎》中那样的越狱方式企图逃离监狱,两名新泽西囚犯的其中一名被重新监管。