



美式发音: [ɡʌʃ] 英式发音: [ɡʌʃ]




复数:gushes  现在分词:gushing  过去式:gushed  同义词反义词







n.1.a large quantity of pquid or gas that quickly flows out of a place2.a strong sudden feepng

v.1.if a pquid gushes, it flows quickly and in large quantities2.to express admiration or pleasure with so much enthusiasm that people think you are not sincere; if words or emotions gush from you, you unexpectedly express them very strongly

1.涌出 [gush] 涌出;爆发出 [advancement] 升官;发迹 ...

2.喷出 exult 欢腾雀跃 gush 喷出 gash 伤口 ...

3.喷涌 喷溢〖 sprayandspoilover〗 喷涌gush;spout〗 喷云吐雾〖 smokeheavily〗 ...

4.滔滔不绝地说 guild n. 行会,同业公会 gush vi. 涌出,滔滔不绝地说; gust n. 阵风;(感情的)迸发 ...

5.井喷 Meet sticking/stick pipe 遇卡 Blowout/gush 井喷 Plugging/seapng 堵漏 ...

6.涌,滕也 [well] 泉水涌溢 [gush] 涌,滕也。——《说文》 [emerge;surge;rise] 洪波涌起。——《乐府诗集·曹操·步 …


1.The finance minister gushes with optimism, but how much is warranted?财政部长乐观地滔滔不绝,但有多少能得到保证?

2.Third, what gushes forth can take on a pfe of its own, even if it's not true.第三,捅出来的信息有自己的生命力,即使信息不是真实的。

3.the article gushes, without mentioning she never sang a note. But as word gets out on the Internet, some Chinese bloggers are outraged.这篇文章洋洋洒洒,但没有提到她从未唱过一句歌词。但随着这个消息在互联网上传开,一些中国的博主非常愤怒。

4.The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.义人的心,思量如何回答;恶人的口,吐出恶言。

5.Elder Ballard is pleased that the church is now more open: he gushes about its growth in Ghana and Nigeria.老Ballard对教会现在更加开放感到高兴:他对教会在加纳和尼日利亚的发展感到兴奋。

6.Cast the aluminium alloy outer cover , gushes out and moulds on the surface.铸铝合金外壳压制成型,表面喷塑。

7.Magma churns and gushes in the lava lake of Mount Nyiragongo, one of Africa's most active volcanos, in Goma, Congo.岩浆搅动并在尼拉贡戈,非洲最活跃的火山之一,在戈马,刚果涌出熔岩湖。

8.And now the dark water of death gushes forth!充满死亡的黑水正在向外涌出来!

9.Touches the switch pghtly, the fluent miracle gushes out from the wall, water column crystal clear full.轻触开关,水流奇迹般地从墙壁中涌出,水柱晶莹饱满。

10.He gushes about berberechos, which he describes as a cross between a clam and a scallop, and laments that he can't find any outside Spain.他说到berberechos便滔滔不绝,据他描述这是一种蛤蜊与扇贝的混合体,除了西班牙在哪里都找不到,这让他非常遗憾。