





2.个位数们比我们幸运一些~我们白天是个位数~晚上是-->负个位数(Celcius)Orz~刚刚好奇查了一下~我们这儿温度~几乎要和阿拉斯加 …


1.First, dry the sample at 105 degrees Celcius. This removes any dampness that the ceramic might have absorbed.首先,在150摄氏度的温度下将样本进行干燥,这样可以祛除陶瓷中附有的湿气。

2.Just as Yangcheng Evening News reported, the temperature in the next days would decrease by 10 Celcius.正如羊城晚报所报道的一样,未来两天的气温将下降10℃。

3.And with temperatures hovering at 40 degrees below zero celcius, conditions are more than just uncomfortable.气温在摄氏零下40度徘徊,这种环境实在让人很不好受。

4.For five weeks, the people of Moscow have endured record-breaking temperatures of up to 40 degrees Celcius.五周以来,莫斯科民众一直遭受创纪录的40摄氏度高温。

5.Advanced Contact Coopng for Skin Protection: Coopng maintains temperature at 5 degrees Celcius during treatments for enhanced comfort.高级保护皮肤接触冷却:冷却增强舒适性的治疗期间保持在5摄氏度的温度。

6.Finally, make one button for converting Celcius to Fahrenheit, and one button for going the other way.最后,一个按钮将摄氏度换算成华氏度,另一个按钮将华氏度换算成摄氏度。

7.It will use magnetic fields to confine hydrogen isotopes and heat them to hundreds of milpons of degrees Celcius.它利用磁场约束氢的同位素并将其加热到数亿摄氏度。

8.Since frostbite is brought on by freezing, you can't get frostbite if the air temperature is above 32 degrees F (0 degrees Celcius).因为冻疮是由严寒引起的,所以如果气温在华氏32度(摄氏0度)以上,就不会生冻疮。

9.When the direction changed the threat of thunderstorms seemed to vanish and the 32 Celcius weather changed to 19 Celcius in under an hour!当方向变化之后暴风雨的威胁貌似消失了而温度从32摄氏度在一个小时之内降到了19摄氏度!

10.Open a window if you can, or invest in a fan. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 16 to 20 degrees celcius.如果可以的话打开一扇窗户,或者打开风扇。睡觉的理想温度是16至20摄氏度。