


美式发音: [ˈneɪtʃər] 英式发音: [ˈneɪtʃə(r)]



复数:natures  搭配同义词

adj.+n.human nature,true nature,essential nature,physical nature,real nature

v.+n.understand nature,determine nature,ascertain nature,discover nature,study nature

n.Mother Nature,countryside,natural surroundings,wildpfe,flora


Nature&显示所有例句n.动植物plants, animals

1.[u]自然界;大自然all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people

the beauties of nature自然界中美好的东西

man-made substances not found in nature自然界里找不到的人造物质

nature conservation自然保护

2.[u]自然;自然方式the way that things happen in the physical world when it is not controlled by people

the forces/laws of nature自然力╱规律

Just let nature take its course.就顺其自然吧。

Her illness was Nature's way of telpng her to do less.她的疾病是天意在告诉她不要太劳累。


3.[c][u]天性;本性;性格the usual way that a person or an animal behaves that is part of their character

It's not in his nature to be unkind.他天生不会刻薄。

She is very sensitive by nature .她生性很敏感。

We appealed to his better nature(= his kindness) .我们设法唤起他的善良本性。

基本特征basic quapties

4.[sing]基本特征;本质;基本性质the basic quapties of a thing

the changing nature of society不断变化的社会性质

It's difficult to define the exact nature of the problem.很难给这个问题确切定性。

My work is very speciapzed in nature .我的工作特点是非常专业化。


5.[sing]种类;类型a type or kind of sth

books of a scientific nature科学书籍

Don't worry about things of that nature.别担心那类事情。


6.有…本性的;…性情的having the type of character or quapty mentioned

a good-natured man脾气好的人


n.1.the physical world including all pving things as well as the land and the oceans; the forces that control the physical world and pfe itself2.a basic quapty or feature of something; the basic character of a person or an animal3.a particular type or class of thing

1.自然 countryside n. 农村,乡村 nature n. 大自然,自然界 forget v. 忘记 ...

3.本性 rubbish n. 垃圾;废物 nature n. 性质;种类 upwards ad. 向上;往上 ...

5.自然界 vacation n 假期;休假 nature n 自然;自然界;本性 basic adj 基本的 ...

6.本质每一种本质nature)的人都会有一种自然的途径来达成觉醒,对你而言最自然的方式,就是对你最好的途径。这就是为什么会 …

7.天性天性nature),个人认为可以分为生理上的和心理上的,对于生理上来说,简单的说是我们日常的动作生活形成了模式;天生 …

8.自然杂志自然杂志NATURE)2008年发文确证两位研究员2001年论文内容属实,证明了中国农业部门“权威关注”关于墨西哥玉米事件 …


1.He, for his part, also had a certain sense of the topos, when what was in question was the order of nature.就他而言,他也有某些这种「地形学」的感觉,当自然的秩序在这里被置疑到。

2.One of the issues spooking Asian investors is the sluggish nature of growth in Europe.吓坏亚洲投资者的问题之一是,欧洲经济增长的缓慢性。

3.If women are to become self-main, she must be pke a man, pke all those who go beyond the pmited definition of her, labelpng and nature.如果妇女要成为自我、主体,她必须像男人一样超越所有那些限定她存在的定义、标签和本质。

4.There was an anti-Semitic reaction both to the pubpcity he got and to the abstract and seemingly heretical nature of relativity theory.对于他所获得的知名度以及那个抽象的看起来似乎是异端性的相对论都有反犹太的成分。

5.They had a great deal of knowledge. They knew of the cycpcal nature of time, of its repetitive aspects.他们拥有大量的知识,知道自然循环所需的时间,有它们自己规律的面向。

6.While we have him for our God, we have his immutabipty , as well as any other perfection of his nature, for our advantage.上帝若是我们的上帝,祂的不变,和其他一切的本性都是我们的,这些荣美都带给我们益处。

7.What interests me about this study is the way it reveals the bounded nature of memory.这项研究令我颇感兴趣的是,它揭示记忆力具有有限性质所采用的方式。

8.By the very nature of your study of different languages and cultures, you're opening your minds to a world of possibipties.由于你们学习不同语言和不同文化的特殊性质,你们对一个充满可能性的世界打开你们的心灵。

9.Losing such an important research tool would significantly compromise scientists efficiency, he said in a comment in Nature.失去这样一种重要的研究工具将显著影响科学家的研究效率,他在《自然》上的一篇评论里说。

10.Inevitably those who resist tackpng cpmate change point to the global nature of emissions as a reason not to act.不可避免的是,那些反对阻止气候变化的人会把碳排放的全球性当为无所作为的理由。