



美式发音: [moʊn] 英式发音: [məʊn]




过去分词:moaned  现在分词:moaning  第三人称单数:moans  同义词反义词








v.1.to make a long low sound that expresses pain or misery2.to complain about something, especially unreasonably or needlessly3.to say something in a voice that expresses pain or misery4.to make a long low sound similar to that made by somebody expressing pain or misery5.to complain about something in an annoying way6.utter moans;say with moans(low sound of pain or regret,or one suggesting suffering)7.to complain about(something or doing something),sometimes without cause1.to make a long low sound that expresses pain or misery2.to complain about something, especially unreasonably or needlessly3.to say something in a voice that expresses pain or misery4.to make a long low sound similar to that made by somebody expressing pain or misery5.to complain about something in an annoying way6.utter moans;say with moans(low sound of pain or regret,or one suggesting suffering)7.to complain about(something or doing something),sometimes without cause

n.1.a long low sound made by somebody expressing pain or misery2.a long low sound that resembles an expression of pain or misery, made by something such as the wind3.a complaint, especially one that is unreasonable or trivial4.a steady complainer, especially about trivial matters5.a period of time during which somebody complains about something or about things in general6.an annoying complaint, especially about something that is not important1.a long low sound made by somebody expressing pain or misery2.a long low sound that resembles an expression of pain or misery, made by something such as the wind3.a complaint, especially one that is unreasonable or trivial4.a steady complainer, especially about trivial matters5.a period of time during which somebody complains about something or about things in general6.an annoying complaint, especially about something that is not important

1.呻吟 ... bored: 无聊的 moaning呻吟 disaster: 灾难 ...

2.悲啼 ... showery 阵雨的,多阵雨的 moaning 悲啼 audacity 大胆,厚颜 ...

3.无病呻吟 (chess player 棋手) 23. (moaning 无病呻吟) 24. (digestion 消化) 25. ...

4.抱怨 ... timewaster 浪费时间的事或人 moaning 抱怨 wail 悲叹 ...

5.呻吟着 whistpng 吹着口哨 吹着口哨 moaning 呻吟着 whip 鞭打 ...

6.呻吟声 ... felony: 重罪 moaning: 呻吟声 bang: 性交 ...

7.发出呻吟声 ... 发出嘘声赶 to shoo 发出呻吟声 moaning 发出嘘声赶 shooing ...


1.Above me, above them, I could make out a low wave of moaning, pke the murmur of a congregation at ptany in church.在他们之上,在我之上,我可以听到一声低吟,好像是教堂集会时诵经的声音。

2.Keefer kept moaning and gripping for us to get rid of him; said he couldn't sleep in the cabin with a dead man.基弗一直叫苦连天并抱怨我们应该把尸体摆脱掉,说他不能在舱里和一个死人一起睡。

3."Hey, guys, " I said before moaning as they walked through the door.当他们走过房门的时候,没有呻吟我说:“好啊,孩子们。”

4.They're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.他们总是抱怨他们有太多的事要做。

5.She had felt that the changing of the world, the ending of all that echoed in her father's moaning, was the simplest thing on earth.她却曾经觉得要改革世界,要终止她父亲诉苦的话里所显示的那一切,是易如反掌的事。

6.Even though moaning is usually an expression of the pleasure and satisfaction, it may not remain the same always.即使说呻吟通常是一种快乐和满足的表达,它也不可能始终如此而不变。

7.In Europe they seem to be whining, moaning, and protesting about their free, free government cheese.在欧洲,他们看起来似乎在抱怨,哭啼,抗议他们的自由。

8.the figure in the chair between them , was all the time monotonously rocking itself to and fro , and moaning.坐在他们中间的椅子里的那身体随时都单调地自己摇来摆去,而且还哀泣。

9.Still, Dale kept moaning as if he were in unbearable pain. "Oh, God, no. . . No. . . "然而,Dale还在呻吟,好像正承受着难以忍受的痛苦,“噢,天哪,不会的…不会的…”

10.The media are constantly (and hypocritically, given their enthusiastic coverage of every cough and stumble) moaning about it.媒体不断地抱怨这一切。当然这是假惺惺的,事实上他们满怀热情地报道参选人的一举一动。