



1.The graphic must be a 40 pixels high by 255 pixels wide and up to 16 bit color to be displayed on the top right of the screens.要显示在屏幕的右上角,图形高度必须为40像素,宽度必须为255,颜色为16位。

2.The set-up for the Porsche Panamera promises to be every bit as exciting, and with a 16-speaker design we would hope so.设置的保时捷Panamera将是一样令人兴奋,并有16个扬声器的设计,我们希望这样。

3.From that high through the close on July 2, the index dropped almost 16%, though it's made a bit of a comeback this week.从那个高点到7月2日收市,该股指跌幅差不多有16%,不过本周稍有反弹。

4.Well, I used to be size fourteen, but I've put on a bit of weight recently, so may be sixteen.额,我过去穿14码,但是我最近重了一点,所以可能要16码。

5.Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style and culture-specific format to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.将数字的指定样式和区域性特定格式的字符串表示形式转换为其等效的16位无符号整数。

6.Hexadecimal constants without a suffix are defined as an unsigned int if it will fit into 32-bits and if the high order bit is turned on.如果一个没有后缀的16进制的常量是32位的,并且其高位被置位了,那么它就可以作为无符号整型进行定义。

7.Returns the length of this character sequence. The length is the number of 16-bit Unicode characters in the sequence.返回字符序列的长度,此长度指的是字符序列中16比特的Unicode字符数。

8.Converts the string representation of a number in a specified style to its 16-bit unsigned integer equivalent.将数字的指定样式的字符串表示形式转换为其等效的16位无符号整数。

9.The staging was a bit sparse; a simple massive gold frame surrounding the excellent pve 16-piece orchestra.舞台布置的十分简洁,一个简单大方的金色幕布环绕着有着精湛技艺的16人管弦乐队。

10.If the operand registers of a processor are 16 bits wide, the processor is said to be a 16-bit processor.如果处理器的操作数寄存器是16位的,那么就称该处理器是16位处理器。