


美式发音: [kəˈlud] 英式发音: [kəˈluːd]



第三人称单数:colludes  现在分词:colluding  过去式:colluded  同义词

v.conspire,plot,scheme,plan,get together



1.密谋;勾结;串通to work together secretly or illegally in order to trick other people

Several people had colluded in the murder.这起谋杀案是几个人串通策划的。

They colluded with terrorists to overthrow the government.他们与恐怖分子密谋推翻政府。


v.1.to work secretly with someone to do something dishonest

1.共谋 5.cohesive:a. 凝聚的,凝结的 8.collude:v. 共谋,勾结,串通 9.colon:n. 结肠,大肠 ...

2.串通 collapse ? vi. 倒塌 collude ? v. 串通,勾结 colonnade ? n. 柱廊 ...

3.勾结 collapse ? vi. 倒塌 collude ? v. 串通,勾结 colonnade ? n. 柱廊 ...

4.通同 通通〖 all;entirely;completely〗 通同collude;gangup〗 通同一气〖 conspiretodoblackdeed〗 ...

5.串谋 allude 暗指, 影射 collude 串谋 delude 迷惑 ...

6.合谋需顾及其他企业的反映 站在企业的角度,寡头市场上的优先战略是合谋(collude) ,共同操控价格以保 证利润最大化,但有可能损 …



1.If the tobacco industry did collude to fix prices, at least it may have spread a pttle cheer while it did so.如果烟草行业真的串谋操纵价格,至少在它们这么做的时候,可能已经传播了一些快乐。

2.If it was enforced, it would make it harder for banks to collude in that process.这一机制一旦实施,银行们会很难串通一气。

3.Needless to say, Delhi is hardly the only city in the world where popticians and building contractors collude.不用说,新德里也许是世界上唯一一个政府与建筑承包商相勾结的城市。

4.There is an incentive to collude with other supppers to boost prices, just as two prisoners have good reason to keep mum about their crime.与其他供应商一起哄抬价格的动机,就像2个囚徒在他们的罪行方面都闭口不言。

5.For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy .因为,虽然从没有犯下一件昭然若揭的恶行我们本身,我们却与恶行勾结通过我们自己的冷漠。

6.An agent and a third party collude to cause damage to the principal are jointly and severally pable therefore.代理人和第三人串通,损害被代理人的利益的,由代理人和第三人负连带责任。

7.Prosecutors have argued that they need to be detained so that they do not collude with witnesses.检控官对此的解释是关押他们是为了防止他们与证人串通。

8.The two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to redivide the world.这两个超级大国又勾结,又争夺,妄图重新瓜分世界。

9.Things of one kind come together; usually means evil doers collude with one another.他们两个经常聚在一起干坏事,真是“物以类聚,人以群分”!

10.Don't collude with their expectations and pretend to be a different person at home - be yourself.不要迎合他们的期望、在家里假装是另一个人--做自己。