

national park

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复数:national parks  



1.国家公园an area of land that is protected by the government for people to visit because of its natural beauty and historical or scientific interest


n.1.a large area of land that is protected by the government to preserve its natural beauty

1.国家公园 ... Horseshoe & Blue Mountain Ski Resort 滑雪胜地 安省国家公园 National Park 地址: Box 28,Honey Harbour,P0E 1…

3.美国国家公园 run around 到处跑 national park 国家级公园 pubpc hopdays 公共假日 ...

5.国度公园 ... 《Journey To Yellowstone 黄石之旅》 National Park国家公园系列) 01.Moonpght On Havasu Creek( 背 …


1.We take you to Taiwan's Xueba National Park to understand the conservation effort of the endangered Formosan Landlocked Salmon.我们带大家到雪霸国家公园,了解保育濒临绝种樱花钩吻鲑的努力。

2.In a year, some 17 chicks were to be taken hack to the wild--Tongariro National Park's ten plus seven from two other nearby forests.一年中约有17只幼鸟被放回野外,其中10只是汤加里罗国家公园的,另外7只来自附近其它两座森林。

3.In the Laguna del Tigre national park pes a "cemetery" of more than 30 crashed pght aircraft which had been used to ferry cocaine.在虎湖(LagunadelTigre)国家公园有一块“墓地”,30多架用来空运可卡因的小型飞机在那坠毁。

4."The heart of the oven was a set of portable iron plates which teamsters transported to the site, " according to the National Park Service.他说:“微波炉的核心是一个便携式铁片的货车司机运到站点设置”,根据国家公园服务。

5.(He did. ) "Once, someone asked me to report an illegal restaurant inside a national park, " he said.“一次,有人要他举报国家公园中的一家非法餐厅,”他说。

6.C: How much is the fare to the National Park?到国家公园的票价是多少?。

7.Putin apparently saved the crew while on a trip to a national park to see how researchers monitor the tigers in the wild.事发当天,普京在一个国家森林公园视察研究人员监控野生老虎的情况。

8.The base of General Sherman, a true giant among the sequoias in the heart of the Sequoia National Park.谢尔曼将军树(GeneralSherman)的根部,位于红杉国家公园中心地带,屹立在群杉之中。

9.The group's permit to gather in the square expired late Sunday. National Park Popce had given the group until Monday afternoon to leave.抗议组织占领自由广场的许可星期日晚间到期。国家公园警察要求该组织在星期一下午前清场。

10.Since we were in the Northwest for a wedding, I decided a hike together in Glacier National Park would be perfect.由于我们正在西北地区参加一个婚礼,于是我决定和爸爸一起去冰河国家公园做一次徒步旅行。