



1.In spite of his difficulties, Little Critter falls asleep happily on the train going home, exhausted from the big outing with his mother.由于和妈妈这趟远足实在太累了,小怪物在回家的火车上愉快地睡着了。

2.She must have been a happy creature in spite of all that she felt, or thought she felt, for the distress of those around her.尽管她为周围人的痛苦而难过,或者她觉得她为他们而难过,但她肯定是个快活的人。

3.Well, dear Marie , I will own to you that, in spite of his extreme youth, his departure for the army has been a great grief to me.亲爱的玛丽,我向您坦白承认,虽说他十分年轻,但是他这次从军却使我感到极大的痛苦。

4.In spite of the loss, not a bad effort by the team. If they can take it a notch higher, they should have no trouble beating Houston at all.这场失败对于这支球队并不是完全没有好的意义。如果他们能把自己的水平再度提高,他们应该能够毫无障碍的最终打败休斯敦。

5."We're going to do that . . . in spite of the loud shrill voices (against it), " he said. Reid said a bill would be approved this year.“我们将那麽做…尽管有很大的反对声浪,”他说.里德称今年会批准一个相关法案。

6.After resting in Sydney for a few weeks , Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends, attempts to dissuade him.在几个星期休息以后在悉尼,奇切斯特更加引起竟管他的朋友,尝试谏阻他。

7.she continued to talk to her and endeavor to raise her spirits , in spite of being out of spirits herself.尽管她自己心情不佳,却继续有意地陪她说话,想使她快活起来。

8.In spite of torture by the enemy, she faced death with a strong sense of righteousness.她在敌人的严刑拷打下宁死不屈,大义凛然。

9.The very next day she pstened to me with a smile, in spite of her confusion.到第二天,虽说她心慌意乱,还是带着微笑听我说话了。

10.In spite of the weak performance, Mr Li said he did not regret buying Thomson.尽管公司业绩欠佳,但李东生称,对收购汤姆逊,他并不感到后悔。