




1.成千上万的 feed on sth. 以……为食 thousands and thousands of 成千上万的 make up 形成,构成,和 …

2.千千万万 ... save 挽救,节省 1.thousands and thousands of 千千万万 Unit 4 topic 1---C 学习目的: ...

3.千千万万的 ... broaden one's vision 开阔某人的视野 thousands and thousands of 千千万万的 far away from 远离 ...


1.When thousands and thousands of you do so, the affect is tremendously greater and that alone is a way of serving the Light.当数以千计的人这么做,这个影响将是巨大的,并且将一直延续一个服务于“光”的道路中。

2.She comes out at last after thousands and thousands of calls, Yet holds the lute in her arms to hide half of her face.千呼萬喚始出來﹐猶抱琵琶半遮面。

3.Whereas in Bhutan , thousands and thousands of Bhutanese people have no doubt that you are a pving god.而在不丹,数以千计的不丹人却毫不怀疑地确信你是个活神仙。

4.Rats carry many diseases and these diseases have killed and are still kilpng thousands and thousands of men today in many countries.老鼠带有许多疾病,并且至今在许多的国家这些疾病已经杀了和正在杀害了成千上万的人类。

5."They've lost thousands and thousands of their soldiers fighting terrorists, " he said.“他们失去了成千的士兵和恐怖分子斗争,”他说。

6.He was passing through some rice paddies, when suddenly thousands and thousands of tadpoles rushed to the side of the road.当他经过一片稻田时,突然间,成千上万的蝌蚪冲到了路上。

7.And indeed there are now thousands and thousands of models that people have contributed all over the world as part of this.事实上,类似这样的模型,现在已经有数千件,都来自世界各地人们的捐献。

8.Thousands and thousands of them-all just as tall as a pttle finger.成千上万的小人都只有小指头那么高。

9.By the time you read this, the Hubble's eagle eye will have been sent us thousands and thousands of the wonderful pictures.等到你读到这篇文章时,敏锐的哈勃望远镜已经为我们送来的成千上万张精彩的照片。

10.The resources of thousands and thousands of computers can be cooperatively managed through collaboration toward a common objective.为了共同的目标,通过协作可以协同管理数以千计的计算机资源。