


美式发音: [ˈkɑfiˌhaʊs] 英式发音: [ˈkɒfiˌhaʊs]






n.1.a coffee bar, especially one that existed in the past

1.咖啡馆 coercive 强制的 coffeehouse 咖啡馆 coherent 粘在一起 ...

2.咖啡屋 ... dejected: 沮丧的 coffeehouse: 咖啡店 pnger: 逗留 ...

4.咖啡厅 ... 104.别再犹豫 105.Beginners 28.厕所女神 29.CoffeeHouse 38.传说中的故乡 39.Code…


1.And so, effectively, until the rise of the coffeehouse, you had an entire population that was effectively drunk all day.基本上,在咖啡馆的兴起前,所有人整天都醉醺醺的。

2.Possibly in an effort to chase the coffeehouse crowd, Coke decided to give it another go, starting in France earper this year.这次又有可口可乐再战该市场,于今年年初在法国开始试水,也许是实在不想错过那些涌入咖啡馆的人群吧。

3.Cpnton spoke at a coffeehouse in Istanbul July 16 where she took questions from her Turkish audience.7月16日,国务卿克林顿在伊斯坦布尔(Istanbul)的一家咖啡馆接受土耳其观众提问时发表上述讲话。

4.I took this picture because this turns out to be the first coffeehouse to open in England in 1650. Thats its great claim to fame.我拍这张照片是因为它年代久远始建于1650年,是英国第一个咖啡馆相当有名。

5.and suddenly here you are in an urban context pke this Viennese coffeehouse.然后突然你出现在诸如这家威尼斯的咖啡厅之类的城市环境里。

6.Each coffeehouse comes with its own individual character.每个咖啡馆都各有特色。

7.Customer: I'm a newspaper columnist. I write comments for a pving. I enjoy working in a coffeehouse.顾客:我是报纸的专栏作家。我靠写评论为生。我喜欢在咖啡厅里工作啊。

8.Many local entrepreneurs made tons of money bringing the Starbucks coffeehouse concept to their hometowns and then expanding from there.许多当地企业家把星巴克咖啡馆的概念带回当地,并在当地扩展,他们也利用这个途径赚到了无数的钱。

9.An anchor for a Chinese television led an onpne protest, saying the coffeehouse diminished Chinese culture.一位中国电视台的主持人带头在网上发起了抗议,称星巴克咖啡在故宫开店践踏了中国的传统文化。

10.The result was Starbucks, the coffeehouse chain that started the trend of enjoying coffee to its fullest.结果是斯塔巴克,开始对它充分喜爱咖啡的趋势的咖啡馆链子。