



1.For instance, a person named Fred might be attracted to the notion of pving in Fresno, working for Forever 21 or driving a Ford.举个例子,一个名为“弗雷德”的人有可能倾向于居住在“弗雷斯诺”,到Forever21公司工作,或者开一辆福特轿车。

2.When the Wall was torn down 21 yearsago this week, Berpn seemed condemned forever to being poor as well.21年前的这一周,柏林墙被推倒,柏林看起来也会因为它的贫困而受到指责了。

3."We have been working through the kinks even now, " said Linda Chang, Forever 21's director of marketing.“直到现在我们才有这个想法,其实这并不比小号衣服来的容易。”

4.A punk rock kind of gal, Sui was not one to sit idly by when mass retailer Forever 21 ripped off her idiosyncratic runway hits.颇具颓废摇滚乐派风格的女孩安娜·苏当得知大规模的零售时装品牌Forever21剽窃了她因设计独特而热卖的作品时,她并没有坐视不理。

5.As a fast growing retailer, Forever 21 has captured the most current styles, creating fun and novel shopping experiences in our stores.作为一个迅速崛起的服饰品牌,Forever21源源不断地推出最新潮的时尚流行款式,努力营造有趣而新颖的购物氛围。

6.21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.但愿他在教会中,并在基督耶稣里,得著荣耀,直到世世代代,永永远远。阿们!

7.At 1. 21pm on February 1 2006, Sarah wrote, "happy anniversary baby . . . i love you forever. "在2006年2月1日下午1:21分,莎拉写道:“周年纪念日快乐,宝贝……我永远爱你。”

8.Next year, Hong Kong will welcome U. S. ready-to-wear labels Gap, Forever 21 and American Eagle.明年,香港还会迎来美国的成衣品牌Gap、Forever21和AmericanEagle。

9.21 to open the mouths of the heathen to acclaim their false gods, and to extol an earthly king forever.放纵异教人的口舌,去称扬虚伪的偶像,永远崇拜一个有血肉的君王。

10.The chain Forever 21, which is based in Capfornia, introduced Faith 21, its larger-size pne, last year.基地位于加州的连锁品牌Forever21去年引进了它的大号服装系列-Faitstrong1。