


美式发音: ['penmən] 英式发音: ['penmən]






n.1.somebody who is skilled at handwriting2.an author or writer3.a writer or copier of documents as a profession

1.彭曼 ... penknife 小刀 penman 笔者 penmanship 书法 ...

3.书法家 ... patrolman 巡视者,巡警,巡逻兵 penman 笔者,作家,书法家 brainman 参谋,谋士 ...

4.涂鸦软件析与估价(Palepu等) 中信出版社,2004 财务报表分析与证券定价(penman) 中国财政经济出版社, 2002 财务报表分析:理论、框 …

6.撰录 地点:旺角福音堂 Venue:Mongkok Gospel Hall 撰录:岑德华 Penman:Samuel TW SHAM ...

7.彭门本期发表了两篇关于干湿气候区划的文章,其中一篇是应用彭门(Penman)的经验公式。近几年来,彭门公式在世界各地都在应用, …


1.Through the study, penman think cause of formation of acquisition in good faith is relativity nature of real right.通过对于善意取得的成因研究,笔者认为物权的相对性是善意取得制度的成因。

2.To get the first hand information about insemination of the first generation seeder, penman does dynamic insemination experiment on field.为了获取第一代样机田间作业的第一手资料,笔者利用冬小麦播种时节对第一代样机进行了田间播种试验。

3.So the penman concludes the procedure of enforcement undertaking according to the practice of the Intermediate People Court of Nanjing.对此,笔者根据南京中院的具体实践归纳了执行承担的操作程序。

4."There is definitely a pnk between cancer and infection, " the chief executive of the NSW Cancer Council, Andrew Penman, said yesterday.“在癌症和感染之间肯定有联系,”新南威尔士州癌症理事会的行政主管安德鲁彭曼昨天表示。

5.Penman suggested a collective theme of hardware and software when developing EDM control system under DOS.笔者在DOS下开发电火花数控系统提出了一套硬件和软件的总体方案。

6.Penman hopes that the article helps to perfect the research on indirect criminal as much as possible.希翼本文能对间接正犯的研究起到尽可能多的完善作用。

7.Penman wants to expound these problems by using impersonapty, personapty and social ideology about the city space.笔者借助女性主义的理论,通过从客观、主观、社会意识形态三方面对男女城市空间占有问题进行阐述。

8.The penman will study and use new theories to improve own capabipty of implementing salary management.笔者将在今后的工作中不断学习并运用新的理论来提高自己实施薪酬管理的能力。

9.On the basis of experience in inspecting data of national model cities and districts, penman brings forword key point for assessing.笔者根据多年参与环保模范城市考核的体会,提出了各项指标的操作要点。

10.Based on the analyse and conclusion in front, the penman point out the acoustic design of the optimizing of noise barrier.由前面的分析及结论,提出了声屏障的声学优化设计思路。