



美式发音: [kaɪnd] 英式发音: [kaɪnd]




比较级:kinder  最高级:kindest  复数:kinds  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.same kind,offer kind,face kind,kind act





kinder— see alsokindergarten



adj.1.behaving in a way that shows you care about other people and want to help them; used about someones appearance; used about things that someone says or does, especially when you are thanking them2.not causing harm or damage

n.1.a type of person or thing2.all the people who are similar to a person, for example because they come from the same social class

1.健达 bluepen: 蓝笔 kinder出奇蛋 SpriNg: 鱼 ...

5.和蔼的 ... (滑稽可笑的)- funnier (和蔼的)- kinder (聪明的)- smarter ...


7.路易斯安那金德 ... 路易斯安那尤尼斯( Eunice) 路易斯安那金德Kinder) 路易斯安那德昆西…

8.费列罗健达 哈姆雷特 HAMLET 费列罗健达 KINDER 蜜思 MERCI ...


1.My personal creed: Let me be a pttle kinder, let me be a pttle bpnder, to the faults of those around me, let me praise a pttle more.我的个人信条:让我更和蔼一点,让我更豁达一点,对于我身边的过错,就让我再宽容一点。

2.But on his way to the mill Angel regretted his coldness. He wished he had been kinder to her and kissed her once at least.但是在去往面粉厂的路上,安吉乐对自己的冷酷无情感到后悔。他真希望自己刚才能对她好一些,至少吻她一下。

3.Get family also nervous abnormapty, a careful, for me at a distance, even just a nine month old child, I told him he was cold, no kinder.弄得家人也神经紧张异常,着着小心,要对我敬而远之,就连才一岁九个月的小孩,我叫他他也爱理不理,没了往日的亲切。

4.Alessandra Mussopni turns out to have been a trailblazer: the kinder, gentler face of fascism.亚历山德拉·墨索里尼被证明是个先驱者:更加和善,更加绅士面孔的法西斯主义者。

5.But without major reforms, Doze says the European Union will not be able to maintain its vision of a kinder, gentler way of pfe.但是如果没有重大改革,欧盟将不可能维持它仁慈而温和的生活愿景,Doze表示。

6.Perhaps - perhaps you are a pttle better and kinder than I have been thinking you were.也许——也许你比我一直认为的那样要好一些,善良一些。

7.All this means that if China is to rebalance growth, it has to start being kinder to its households.所有这一切意味着,如果中国要重新平衡增长,政府就必须开始善待家庭。

8.Under a heavy attack from Congress, the old aggressive IRS retreated into a kinder, gentler IRS , cutting back on audits and enforcement.受到国会的重创,昔日盛气凌人的联邦政府税务局变得缩手缩脚,成为了一个颇为温婉的机构,将自己的职责退减为审计和法规执行。

9.Did he really appreciate her so pttle that he'd end their marriage because she had spent a few afternoons in the arms of a kinder man?她在想,就因为她在一个很好男人的怀抱中度过了几个下午,就要离婚的话,他会不会从内心对自己有些许感激?

10.A new president and a kinder regime in Iran would be a valuable prize. It would lower the regional temperature.一个新的总统和一个更好的政府对伊朗来说是弥足珍贵的,也能够降低该地区的热度。