





2.十二橡树园小姐史嘉丽奥哈拉,美丽任性,她喜欢另一个大户人家“十二橡树园”( TWELVE OAKS ) 的公子雅士利韦基士,雅士利却娶了 …


1.That I can't go on any longer without you. I made up my mindthat you were the only woman for me. . . the first day I saw youat Twelve Oaks.我没有你就活不下去了。在十二橡园第一次见到你的时候……我就知道我要的就是你。

2.It was ready to be carried to Twelve Oaks to be donned before the dancing began, but Scarlett shrugged at the sight of it.这是准备带到“十二橡树”村去,等舞会开场时穿的,但是思嘉一起见它便不由得耸了耸肩膀。

3.I made up my mind that you were the only woman for me, Scarlett. . . the first day I saw you at Twelve Oaks .斯佳丽,从那天在十二橡园初次见到你时,我就知道你是我唯一想要的那个女人。

4.I had thought of pfe going on at Twelve Oaks as it had always done, peacefully, easily, unchanging.那时我想到的是,我们会继续在十二橡树的生活,未来会像过去一般,平和,舒适而安定。

5.From the moment she arrived at the Twelve Oaks, she would be her gayest, most spirited self.她从到达十二橡树的一刻起,就一直要装的十分调悦,十分兴头。

6.SCARLETT: All right Paw, you jump what you please. How are they all over at Twelve Oaks?好吧,爸,随你喜欢吧。十二橡树那边怎么样?

7.SCARLETT: Alright Pa, you jump what you please. How are they all over at Twelve Oaks?郝斯嘉:好吧,爸爸,你爱跳就跳吧。十二橡树园一切都好吗?

8.You told me you loved me that day at Twelve Oaks .那天在十二棵橡树你说过你爱我。

9.Scarlett: Let's talk about Twelve Oaks, and Tara and all the times before the war.斯佳丽:说说“十二橡树”庄园和“塔拉”吧,还有战争以前的日子。

10.If the war hadn't come, I'd have spent my pfe happily buried at Twelve Oaks .如果没有发生战争的话,我会很平静地在十二橡园里快乐的度过我的余生的。