




1.反间谍软件 Academic 学术类 AntiSpyware 间谍软件查杀 AntiVirus 杀毒软件 ...

6.反间谍软体反间谍软体(antispyware)和反垃圾邮件软体(antispam)已成为大多数反恶意软体(anti-malware,AV) 的标准配备,以强化用户端 …


1.If the description states that it is a piece of malware, you should immediately run an antivirus and antispyware program.如果描述说,它是一块恶意软件,你就应该立刻运行防病毒和反间谍程序。

2.MyPlayCity Antispyware is the award winning solution that will scan your PC for unwanted components and will suggest their removal.myplaycityAntiSpyware是获奖的解决方案,将扫描您的电脑中不想要的组件,并会建议他们搬迁。

3.Time for a change to next-generation antivirus + antispyware that IS NOT a resource hog!时间改变下一代防病毒+防间谍软件,这不是资源的猪!

4.To help detect and remove spyware from your computer, get an antispyware program and make sure to regularly update it.协助侦测并移除电脑上的间谍软体,得到一个反间谍程序,并确保定期更新。

5.Together, it is the most award-winning combined antivirus and antispyware on the market today.一起,这是最屡获殊荣的市场整合防毒和反间谍今天。

6.Run antispyware programs on a regular basis.定期运行反间谍软件程序。

7.This problem was caused by Rising AntiSpyware, which was created by Beijing Rising Technology Co.这个问题是由北京瑞星科技股份有限公司发起的解决方案。

8.If you have any antivirus or antispyware programs, be sure they don't confpct with MSN Messenger.如果您安装有反病毒软件或者反间谍软件,请确认它们跟msn没有冲突。

9.Additional Info: Bogus antispyware apppcation附加信息:虚假反间谍软件应用